Revista de Prensa blog Principal Arte Culturas
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  III. Catálogo: bibliografía  
M N O P R S T V W Y Z  
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Biscione - Bondioli 1992
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Blair - Bloom - Wardwell 1992
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Bleibtreu 1994
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Bleibtreu 1999
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Bosworth 1977
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Bosworth 1996
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Boucher 1976
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Boucher 1979
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Boyce 1975-1982
Boyce, M.: A History of Zoroastrianism, vol. I, The Early Period, vol. II, Unter the Achemenians, Leiden - Colonia 1975 y 1982
Boyce 1977
Boyce, M.: A Persian Stronghold of Zoroastrianism, Oxford 1977
Boyce 1979
Boyce, M.: Zoroastrians: Their Religious Beliefs and Practices, Londres 1979
Boyce 1985 a
Boyce, M.: Anāhid, Ardwisūr Anāhid, en: Encyclopaedia Iranica, ed. por E. Yarshater, vol. I, Londres e. o. 1985, 1003-1005
Boyce 1985 b
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Boyce 1992
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Boyce - Grenet 1991
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Burkert 1963
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