Lunes, 12 de septiembre de 2022

columnistas-del-new-york-times1. Cine y literatura: Please Don’t Make a Tolkien Cinematic Universe. Michael D.C. Drout is the chair of the English department of Wheaton College in Massachusetts and a co-editor of Tolkien Studies.
2. Guerra en Ucrania: Esta es la estrategia ucraniana que ha cogido por sorpresa al ejército ruso. Yago Rodríguez es analista militar y geopolítico, y director de The Political Room.
3. Filipinas: The Man Who Could Ruin the Philippines Forever. Miguel Syjuco, a former contributing Opinion writer, is the author, most recently, of I Was the President’s Mistress!!: A Novel.
4. Guerra en Ucrania: A potential new snag for Putin: The retreat of Jack Frost. David Von Drehle writes a twice-weekly column for The Post. He was previously an editor-at-large for Time Magazine, and is the author of four books, including "Rise to Greatness: Abraham Lincoln and America’s Most Perilous Year" and "Triangle: The Fire That Changed America".
5. Reino Unido: We must speak the ugly truths about Queen Elizabeth and Britain’s empire. Karen Attiah is a columnist for The Washington Post and writes a weekly newsletter. She writes on international affairs, culture and social issues. Previously, she reported from Curacao, Ghana and Nigeria.
6. Unión Europea: Scholz and Macron Have a Perilous Ambition for Europe. Bart M. J. Szewczyk is a nonresident senior fellow at the German Marshall Fund, an adjunct professor at Sciences Po, a former member of the U.S. State Department’s Policy Planning Staff, a former advisor on refugee policy to the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, and the author of Europe’s Grand Strategy: Navigating a New World Order.
7. Economía: Los fines de la abundancia en un nuevo mundo. Manuel Arias Maldonado es catedrático de Ciencia Política en la Universidad de Málaga. Su último libro es 'Abecedario democrático' (Turner, 2021).
8. Grecia: The Rot at the Heart of Greece Is Now Clear for Everyone to See. Alexander Clapp is a journalist who has written for, among other publications, The London Review of Books, Foreign Policy and The Economist.
9. Modelo de Estado: ¿Monarquía o república? Diez razones. Emilio Lamo de Espinosa es catedrático emérito de Sociología (UCM).
10. Periodismo: Columnistas del 'New York Times'. José María Carrascal es periodista.