Trust for African Rock Art
Sitio dedicado a promocionar y proteger las pinturas y grabados en roca que existen a lo largo y ancho de Africa. Destaca especialmente por su excelente galería de imágenes:
«African Rock Art is amongst the world's oldest surviving art, predating writing by tens of thousands of years. Today, it helps us understand how our ancestors thought, saw and portrayed their world. Some rock paintings and engravings are themselves magnificent art, comparable to some of the finest works found in the World's art galleries. African rock art is not just an African, but a World Heritage.
The Trust for African Rock Art, TARA, is dedicated to the awareness and preservation of African rock art. It is a not-for-profit, non-governmental organisation, registered in Kenya and America, and is devoted to the conservation of Africa's rock art heritage. TARA's mission is to create greater global awareness of the importance and endangered state of Africa's rock art; to survey sites and monitor their status; to be an information resource and archive; and to promote and support rock art conservation measures.»