Miércoles, 19 de julio de 2006 (Continuación)

Zev Chafets is writing a book about Christian evangelicals, American Jews and Israel (THE NEW YORK TIMES, 19/07/06):

ON Sunday my 10-year-old son’s summer camp was shut down; it was judged to be too close to Haifa, too vulnerable to missile attack. Instead, he and his sister are at home in Tel Aviv, busying themselves with yard work.

On Monday, the Israeli Air Force discovered and destroyed a Hezbollah rocket capable of hitting our yard in Tel Aviv. There are said to be many more such rockets in the Hezbollah arsenal. So today, when I sent my son and his 9-year-old sister out to buy gardening gloves and a rake, I first briefed them on what to do in case of a missile attack.…  Seguir leyendo »