The Burmese spring is still far from high summer
If Aung San Suu Kyi is elected to Burma's parliament this Sunday, the world will inevitably ask: has Asia's Nelson Mandela finally met her President FW de Klerk? Or, if you prefer a European comparison, has Asia's Václav Havel met her Mikhail Gorbachev? Cue episode three in the "from prisoner to president" saga. I do believe that day will come, but let us have no illusions: there are still major obstacles ahead. Wisdom and strength, inside and outside Burma, will be needed to surmount them.
Whatever happens, Aung San Suu Kyi has long since earned the Havel and Mandela comparisons. Like Mandela, she has endured decades of imprisonment, emerging with an extraordinary lack of rancour.… Seguir leyendo »