Martes, 3 de julio de 2012

La Alemania que secunda a España

Una nación que sitúa su orgullo como la principal de sus prioridades está condenada a la extinción. La anterior Administración española consideraba que su orgullo no le permitía aceptar apoyo financiero de otros, y en consecuencia condenó al Gobierno actual a la todavía mayor humillación de implorar ayuda. Es en momentos como éstos que uno debe reflexionar sobre el famoso concepto del orgullo castellano. Desde la época del pícaro en adelante, numerosos comentaristas de todas las naciones han convenido en que el orgullo español fue el aspecto más irracional de la mente ibérica. Ese orgullo se ha visto acentuado aún más por miedo a que España se hunda en una en una depresión de la cual nadie pueda ser capaz de rescatarla, incluso con enormes préstamos de la Comunidad Europea.…  Seguir leyendo »

Mientras algunos cuestionan el patriotismo del PSC por no aceptar de salida la posición de CiU para un concierto a la catalana, también voces en España (toda) consideran que aceptando la necesidad de un nuevo pacto fiscal caemos de cuatro patas en la agenda nacionalista. El artículo del profesor De La Fuente en este mismo diario es buena muestra de ello.

Los argumentos son viejos conocidos y apelan a sentimientos muy arraigados en la izquierda. A saber, que lo que nos preocupa son las desigualdades entre personas, vivan donde vivan, y que la solidaridad es irrenunciable. Y es cierto que son principios claves, pero también lo es que debemos ir más allá: la cuestión no es proclamar nuestros principios como si de un listado se tratara, sino que es gestionar las contradicciones que implica su defensa real.…  Seguir leyendo »

No podríamos explicar la naturaleza de lo que llamamos la sociedad del conocimiento si no fuéramos capaces de entender por qué se producen también en ella fracasos colectivos de mayor envergadura incluso que los cometidos por sociedades en las que el saber no ocupaba un lugar tan central. ¿Por qué colapsan las sociedades? ¿Qué razones explican el hecho de que, estando en una sociedad que puede ser más inteligente que sus miembros, también podamos ser más estúpidos de lo que lo somos individualmente considerados? En medio de una crisis económica sin precedentes y que es el resultado, no tanto de errores individuales (que también), como de torpezas colectivas, responder a esta cuestión es más necesario y algo previo a todo aquello que se recomienda en los discursos para “salir de la crisis”.…  Seguir leyendo »

Lo que hoy, a pesar de todo, mantiene una idea con futuro de Europa, como algo más que una entidad de actuación conjunta en los mercados internacionales, (homogénea y abstracta en su naturaleza), es su existencia real como unidad de los pueblos, de las sociedades civiles que la componen al margen de su concreción administrativa. Porque la construcción europea no es algo que se pueda delegar en gobiernos, comisiones y funcionarios, como parece demostrar el fracaso de una Constitución Europea dirigida desde arriba: es tarea de toda la ciudadanía afianzar las relaciones entre los pueblos europeos, limar asperezas, descubrir sinergias, reforzar la confianza.…  Seguir leyendo »

La innovación que España ha traído al mundo del fútbol es haber convertido un deporte -«actividad física ejercitada como juego o competición» (Diccionario de la RAE)- en arte, creación humana para recreo de la mente o los sentidos. Se podría argüir que los brasileños ya lo hicieron. Pero los brasileños, más que nada, bailan, o bailaban, con la pelota, dando a sus partidos un ritmo colorido y vistoso que terminaba en pasos de danza conjuntos tras el gol. Mientras los españoles se atienen a las normas del arte clásico: la geometría, la línea y el triángulo, que garantiza no sólo calidad, sino también belleza.…  Seguir leyendo »

With tomorrow's announcement of the latest findings in the search for the Higgs boson, the elusive particle is on everyone's mind. This kind of fame is relatively rare, even for important scientific discoveries; but the Higgs boson has been called, or miscalled, the God particle, enabling it to pass into the realm of popular scientific lore, like the discovery of the smallpox vaccine, the structure of DNA, or the theory of relativity.

It would be difficult for most people to understand its significance, just as it would be to comprehend the notion of relativity, but such problems are overcome by locating science in personalities as well as cultural and national traditions.…  Seguir leyendo »

On July 4, 1776, 236 years ago, Americans declared that they no longer would be ruled by others, and the Revolutionary War began.

Just a few days ago, Egyptians celebrated their newfound freedom and inaugurated their new president. In Syria, there are growing signs that the end of the reign of Bashar Assad is almost in sight.

In all of these cases, people stood up for freedom, defying all odds, and generated the momentum that inevitably leads to victory.

A similar situation is building up among the Iranian people - inside and outside their homeland. The same attitude will bring the same result.…  Seguir leyendo »

The new Human Rights Watch report "Torture Archipelago" documents in excruciating detail the use of torture in government detention facilities in Syria, including how, where, when and under whose command this torture was carried out. Documenting human rights violations in Syria is anything but easy, so how did we do it?

Since the beginning of anti-government demonstrations in March 2011, Syria has been doing whatever it can to keep independent observers from finding out what exactly is going on. For many months, it refused to issue visas for such work, and widespread violations were committed with few independent witnesses.

Some journalists from outside Syria bravely crossed the border without official permission, to provide valuable first-hand accounts of attacks and violations.…  Seguir leyendo »

They're baaaaack. With apologies to Mark Twain, it seems that rumors of the death of Mexico's Institutional Revolutionary Party were greatly exaggerated.

In fact, I probably wrote that obituary myself, more than once. That's how it looked in 2000, when the Institutional Revolutionary Party, known as PRI, lost the presidency to Vicente Fox of the National Action Party, or PAN. It seemed even more certain in 2006, when the PRI came in a distant third in the presidential election among the three major parties, behind both the conservative PAN and the leftist Democratic Revolutionary Party, known as PRD. It seemed that the PRI, which controlled the presidency for 71 years and became synonymous with violence and corruption, was on the road to extinction.…  Seguir leyendo »

Mexico’s presidential election produced a contradictory outcome: There was a clear-cut victory for the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI), which ruled Mexico for 70 years until 2000; a resounding defeat for the candidate of the outgoing National Action Party (PAN); and a surprisingly strong showing for the left’s contender, Andrés Manuel López Obrador. But behind these mixed results may lie a promising future for Mexico and its people.

Enrique Peña Nieto, the PRI winner, obtained much less than a mandate, despite getting 3 million more votes than the runner-up. He failed to achieve a majority in either house of Congress, as Mexicans split their ballots, particularly in states where they seemed to punish PRI governors for the violence that has swept Mexico’s “badlands.”…  Seguir leyendo »

On Sunday, Mexicans turned out in large numbers to vote for change — a change in priorities and approach, and a generational change focused on can-do governing. I am honored that, in me, Mexicans saw that opportunity for change and a new direction.

There may be considerable hand-wringing in the international community that my election somehow signifies a return to the old ways of my party, the Institutional Revolutionary Party or PRI, or a diminished commitment in Mexico’s efforts against organized crime and drugs. Let’s put such worries to rest.

This campaign was about two things. First was the improvement of economic conditions for millions of struggling Mexicans whose daily lives have been touched by the anemic economic growth, which the Mexican National Institute of Statistics says averaged 1.7 percent between 2000 and 2010.…  Seguir leyendo »

If ever there were an election preordained as a result of economic performance, it would be Mexico’s election on Sunday. The ruling National Action Party, or PAN, was destined to lose because it had presided over profound economic failure for 11 years. Almost any government in world would have lost under such circumstances.

Commentators, focused on the six-year-old drug war, have largely neglected to note the depth of Mexico’s economic problems. Let’s start with the basics: Since 2000, when the PAN was first elected, income per person in Mexico has grown by just 0.9 percent annually. This is terrible for a developing country, and less than half the rate of growth of the Latin American region during this period — which was itself not stellar.…  Seguir leyendo »