Viernes, 1 de septiembre de 2017 (Continuación)

Le 29 août 2017, un jour à marquer d’une pierre blanche. Devant la conférence des ambassadeurs, le président Emmanuel Macron qualifie le régime vénézuélien de «dictature», soulignant également la crise humanitaire à laquelle est confronté le pays. Fin du silence diplomatique et de la complaisance lequel, pendant des années, a couvert les échanges avec le Venezuela, depuis la France ou ailleurs. L’une des dernières tentatives des thuriféraires de la dictature, «insoumis» et autres experts autoproclamés, de défendre un modèle désormais indéfendable, consiste à cet égard à rejeter la responsabilité de la situation sur le successeur de Hugo Chávez. Nicolás Maduro, président depuis la disparition du «commandant suprême» et «Bolívar du XXIe siècle» en 2013, serait confronté à la «guerre impérialiste» menée par les Etats-Unis, alors que les échanges entre les deux pays, pétroliers notamment, n’ont jamais vraiment été remis en question par les deux parties, si ce n’est très récemment par l’administration… américaine.…  Seguir leyendo »

Journalists in Cambodia are under siege. Scared of losing next year's general election, the ruling Cambodian People's Party has recently launched a series of attacks on anyone it deems a threat to its power.

After losing ground to the opposition Cambodia National Rescue Party in June's local elections, it is paranoid that the tide of public opinion is turning against it.

In response to this crackdown, the US Embassy asked recently on its Facebook page, "Is #Cambodia Committed To Democracy?" Judging from repeated attacks on both nongovernmental organizations and newspapers, it appears the answer to the embassy's post is a hard no.…  Seguir leyendo »

Princess Diana has been a staple of headlines for so long that articles and documentaries marking the 20th anniversary of her death may seem unremarkable. But the coverage is more than a stream of TV shows and newspaper and magazine special editions. It’s a meta reminder of the extremes that media coverage of Diana reached during her lifetime, and of the overexposure that continued after her death.

Diana was a 19-year-old nursery school teacher when she started dating Britain’s future king — and became a media sensation. Prince Charles bowed to pressure and proposed even though they had seen each other only about a dozen times.…  Seguir leyendo »

Mourners outside the hospital in Paris where Diana, Princess of Wales, was taken after her fatal car accident. Peter Turnley / Corbis, via Getty Images

When she was alive, Diana, Princess of Wales, never held much interest for me. I didn’t watch her wedding or pay attention to what she wore to parties and ribbon-cutting ceremonies or care that she was unhappy in her marriage to Prince Charles.

When I worked at The Times in the early 1990s, we wrote about the scandals swirling around her gingerly, almost with distaste. Forced to pay attention to what seemed little more than celebrity gossip, we dressed up our accounts of what the British tabloids were reporting by expounding on the questions they raised about the role of the news media or the future of the monarchy.…  Seguir leyendo »