Martes, 13 de febrero de 2018 (Continuación)

La ayuda oficial al desarrollo (AOD) concedida por gobiernos subnacionales de todo el mundo ascendió en 2015 a casi 2.000 millones de dólares según el Comité de Ayuda al Desarrollo (CAD). En los últimos cinco años, esta ayuda ha experimentado una leve tendencia al alza, tanto en términos absolutos como relativos pero, comparando las cifras actuales con estudios de hace 10 años, parece que el fenómeno se ha duplicado en volumen de financiación y en número de países.

Las comunidades autónomas y ayuntamientos españoles concedieron en ese mismo año ayudas por valor de 220 millones de dólares. Este importe supone un tercio de la AOD bilateral de España, lo cual le convierte en el donante más descentralizado del mundo.…  Seguir leyendo »

A Rohingya child at the Kutupalong refugee camp in Bangladesh on Jan. 25. (Munir Uz Zaman/AFP/Getty Images)

As of February 2018, the United Nations estimates that almost 1 million Rohingya refugees have fled Burma’s violent campaign of ethnic cleansing. Almost universally, they’ve moved into refugee settlements in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh.

That is straining Bangladesh, which has absorbed a remarkable number of people in just six months, leading to desperately cramped conditions in the camps. Bangladesh is small, low-lying, under-resourced and overcrowded. And its leaders and citizens are growing impatient with the fallout of Burma’s purge of the Rohingya. Here are five ways this massive number of refugees is straining their host nation.

Political impact

When the military of Burma, also called Myanmar, launched its mass violence campaign in late August 2017, Bangladesh was initially reluctant to open its border to Rohingya refugees.…  Seguir leyendo »

Opposition supporters shout slogans during a protest in Male, Maldives, on Feb. 4. (Mohamed Sharuhaan/AP)

If you’ve heard of Maldives, a South Asian country southwest of Sri Lanka in the Arabian Sea, you may know it as an island paradise. But severe political crisis erupted there Feb. 5 when President Yameen Abdul Gayoom of the Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM) declared a state of emergency. Security forces stormed the Supreme Court and arrested two of its five sitting judges, and sealed parliament, arresting two members of the opposition. As his term comes to a close, Gayoom is cracking down on the opposition. Numerous opposition leaders are in jail and others fear arrest, as he attempts to continue ruling as a strongman, despite court opposition.…  Seguir leyendo »

Une civile kurde turque qui a rejoint les rangs des combattants qui luttent contre l'offensive turque, à Afrin, le 28 janvier. Photo Delil Souleiman. AFP

L’opinion publique occidentale semble l’ignorer mais l’invasion turque du canton kurde syrien d’Afrin est qualifiée de «jihad» ou guerre sainte par la Diyanet, la plus haute autorité religieuse du pays, à la demande sans doute du président turc lui-même.

La fatwa est serinée dans les 90 000 mosquées sunnites du pays où imams et prédicateurs, tous salariés d’un Etat supposé laïc, sont tenus de prier matin et soir avec leurs ouailles pour la victoire de l’armée de conquête turque et de leurs supplétifs syriens jihadistes.

Mimant le cérémonial guerrier des sultans, Recep Tayyip Erdogan a fait accompagner son corps expéditionnaire des tambours de la fanfare militaire ottomane Mehter revêtue des costumes d’époque.…  Seguir leyendo »

Paolo Pellegrin/Magnum Photos Smoke from fires at the oil fields around Qayyarah, a city southeast of Mosul, set alight by ISIS fighters in an effort to prevent coalition airstrikes, 2016

2017 was the one hundredth anniversary of the Bolshevik revolution and the year in which ISIS was decisively defeated and its caliphate dismantled. While both movements may seem safely behind us, and are separated by a century and almost three thousand kilometers, they are connected by a thread of significance that we would be rash to consider mere history.

Pace Marx, history does not always repeat itself as a farce. Sometimes, perhaps more often than not, it returns as yet another tragedy. Much like the Bolshevik revolution, this initially minuscule extremist movement accomplished the improbable feat of rapidly attracting tens of thousands of followers from all over the world, conquering major cities and vast tracts of land, and creating a new state.…  Seguir leyendo »