FARC’s Call to Arms Is Bad News for Colombians
In a video released on Wednesday, a former top commander of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia issued a new call to arms. Luciano Marín, who is known by the alias Iván Márquez and was the lead negotiator during the peace talks, stood before a group of 20 ex-FARC guerrillas dressed in fatigues and explained why he and his dissident band of insurgents were heading back to the mountains and jungles. He spoke of the corrupt oligarchy and cited the Colombian government’s betrayal of the 2016 peace agreement.
This is bad news for Colombians.
A return to violence would be the culmination of many factors, chiefly a lack of political support in Washington and Bogotá for the 2016 peace accord since Donald Trump was sworn in as president of the United States in 2017, and Iván Duque came to power as Colombia’s president in 2018.… Seguir leyendo »