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Saved by the surrender monkeys. We must put away the insults and abuse of the French. They summoned the backbone at Geneva, where the tough guys of the West were trying to cut a deal with Iran to put the ayatollahs’ nuclear weapons program in mothballs.

Barack Obama and David Cameron, the Conservative British prime minister — often sneered at by the French as “the Anglo-Saxons” — were in fact ready to sign whatever stray piece of paper blew over the transom and settled down before them, and it was the French who said no, and said it loud for the needed emphasis.…  Seguir leyendo »

When Ségolène Royal met a Hizbullah MP in Beirut last month, her relatively limited experience of foreign affairs almost caused an international incident. Ali Ammar told the French Socialists' presidential candidate that the Bush administration suffered from "unlimited dementia". He also attacked what he called modern-day "nazism" in Israel. According to the Jerusalem Post, Ms Royal was unfazed. "I agree with a lot of things you have said, notably your analysis of the United States," she replied.

Amid the ensuing outcry Ms Royal explained she was speaking only of US policy in Iraq and had not heard the MP's remarks about Israel.…  Seguir leyendo »