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Donald Trump attends the Arab Islamic American Summit in Riyadh on 21 May. Photo: Getty Images.

Since becoming president, Donald Trump’s proclivity for ‘unpredictability’ has been on full display. Whether this is a carefully thought-through strategy or simply the gloss the president and his inner circle apply to his freewheeling, chaotic and seemingly strategy-free approach to political leadership, the effects of that approach are being felt keenly in Washington DC and across the world. Nowhere is this truer than in ongoing political crisis in the Gulf, where not knowing the US’s next move is being equated in some corners with the US not having one.

The standoff between Qatar, three of its GCC neighbours and Egypt is the first major foreign policy crisis of Trump’s term in office.…  Seguir leyendo »

El miércoles pasado el presidente Obama realizó una visita a Arabia Saudí para participar en la Cumbre del Consejo de Cooperación de Estados Árabes del Golfo (CCEAG), organización creada para contener la Revolución Islámica Iraní y que a día de hoy agrupa a Arabia Saudí, Qatar, Emiratos Árabes Unidos, Omán y Bahréin. El gesto del presidente Obama debe ser entendido como un intento por garantizar la seguridad a unos Estados que perciben que Washington los ha traicionado al preferir a Teherán.

La cumbre de Riad debe ser leída como la segunda parte de la celebrada en Camp David en el verano del año pasado a la que, sorprendentemente, no acudió el recién proclamado rey Salman.…  Seguir leyendo »