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Sur la stérilisation forcée des femmes autochtones au Canada

Le 22 février, la Chambre des communes a adopté à l’unanimité une motion déclarant que « la République populaire de Chine s’est livrée à des actions correspondant à ce que prévoit la résolution 260 de l’Assemblée générale des Nations unies, couramment appelée “convention sur le génocide”, dont la mise en place de camps de détention et de mesures visant à prévenir les naissances à l’égard des Ouïgours et d’autres musulmans turciques ». Nous ne nions pas cette caractérisation de génocide et nous joignons nos voix aux appels mondiaux exigeant une fin immédiate à la persécution des Ouïghours. Cependant, l’honnêteté morale impose aux parlementaires l’examen d’une réalité troublante : le Canada n’a jamais officiellement reconnu qu’il a commis un génocide contre les peuples autochtones ici.…  Seguir leyendo »

New Democratic Party leader Jagmeet Singh listens to people tell their stories about racism during a campaign stop in Toronto in September. Photograph: Adrian Wyld/AP

Scores of supporters rallied together in Edmonton, Alberta, last week, in solidarity with the family of an 11-year-old-boy who was racially profiled for wearing a durag at school.

On 12 September, Emmell Summerville, a sixth-grade student at Christ the King school, was asked to remove the durag because it “contravened school policy that states no caps, bandanas or hats are allowed in the school”.

But it’s not the request that’s truly appalling, it’s everything that happens after it. As the boy later described to his mother, Una Momolu, he was accused of being a gang member by a school resource officer, who suggested that the item of clothing connoted some kind of “affiliation” with gangs.…  Seguir leyendo »

A memorial near the site of a fatal shooting at a Quebec City mosque in January 2017. (Mathieu Belanger/Reuters)

To those who don’t reside here, Canada can seem like somewhat of an enigma. In a world where intolerance and hate seem to be spreading and are endorsed by those in power, Canada has served as the Western world’s city upon a hill. Seemingly immune to the forces of right-wing populism, the country boasts about its welcoming of Syrian refugees, and is led by a handsome prime minister, Justin Trudeau, who has openly called himself a feminist. When Donald Trump was elected, Americans flocked to Canada’s immigration website, causing it to crash within a few hours. Lately however, some Canadians have called into question the country’s image of tranquility; raising the alarm about the rising danger of Islamophobia.…  Seguir leyendo »

During the lead-up to the 2003 Iraq War, back when invading that country was a more popular idea among Canadians than many care to remember, I recall observing an encounter at the bus stop near my house between a group of middle-aged white folks, perhaps three or four of them, and a hijab-wearing Muslim woman. I didn’t see how it began, but everyone was arguing about the war, with the Muslim woman against and everyone else for. No one was making particularly good points, but it was nevertheless obvious, through the white folks’ sneering, dismissive tone, that they regarded the logic of the Muslim woman with far more suspicion than was warranted simply because of who she was.…  Seguir leyendo »