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Supporters of Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva of the Workers' Party (PT) celebrate after he was declared winner of the Brazilian presidential election on 30 October 2022 in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Photo: Ricardo Moreira via Getty Images.

The future of Brazil’s democracy as well as its environmental integrity was at stake in Brazil’s presidential election and, with the success of Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, supporters of climate change action in Brazil and around the world can take a temporary sigh of relief.

During Jair Bolsonaro’s four years in power, the rate of deforestation increased by 72 per cent, after key government agencies were defunded and their ability to enforce environmental protection regulations were eroded.

This contrasts with the eight years of Lula’s presidency, where the rate of deforestation systematically decreased by 70 per cent between 2004-12 as command-and-control policies and regulations were implemented, such as the blacklisting of municipalities with the highest illegal deforestation rates so that producers in these areas were not able to access rural credits.…  Seguir leyendo »

On Oct. 30, Brazilians go to the polls to elect their next president. But at stake is something far more important than just the leadership of one of the world’s largest economies.

Whoever wins will inherit control over more than half of the Amazon rainforest and, by extension, will determine the conditions for future life on Earth.

In the Opinion video above, Brazilian Indigenous leader Txai Suruí argues that this election is the last chance to save the Amazon.

Because of soaring deforestation rates under President Jair Bolsonaro, the Amazon ecosystem is on the brink of catastrophe. The loss of millions of trees has already caused decreased rainfall.…  Seguir leyendo »

The world is going through a series of crises, and we in Brazil are not immune. Of all the threats we face, from pandemics to the war in Ukraine, from disruptive technologies to rising inequality, the most troubling are the erosion of democracy and the destruction of the environment. And in Brazil they are linked.

Supporters of President Jair Bolsonaro are growing in influence. They threaten democracy and promote a rampant increase in carbon emissions from deforestation and fires in the Amazon, as well as the destruction of biodiversity. According to data from a government research unit, deforestation in the Amazon in 2021 was 73% higher than in 2018—the year before Mr Bolsonaro took office.…  Seguir leyendo »

La Amazonía brasileña ha aparecido recientemente en las noticias internacionales por malas razones: un crecimiento récord en la deforestación; el contrabando ilegal de madera, pescado y drogas; y el asesinato de indígenas y ambientalistas, los últimos bastiones contra los avances criminales de mafias que quieren robar las riquezas de la región o ampliar las fronteras de sus negocios.

Estas organizaciones criminales sin escrúpulos, a menudo aliadas con las autoridades locales, están detrás también de los asesinatos, a principios de junio, del indigenista brasileño Bruno Pereira y el periodista británico Dom Phillips.

Los crímenes en la zona, en especial los homicidios con repercusión internacional, deberían haber impactado de forma negativa en la candidatura del presidente Jair Bolsonaro, quien busca la reelección en los comicios del 2 octubre.…  Seguir leyendo »