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A man waits to refill a medical oxygen cylinder at a charging station on the outskirts of Prayagraj, India, on April 23. (Rajesh Kumar Singh/AP)

As India reeled from the devastating and catastrophically mismanaged second wave of the covid-19 pandemic and its government ordered social media platforms to censor critical content, our Twitter account, “Watch the State”, was temporarily restricted twice in one week — the first time globally, the second time only in India — after sharing news articles related to the unfolding crisis.

In December 2019, when protests against the Citizenship Amendment Act broke out in India, student protesters approached our organization asking for support in tracking the growing police violence against citizens. We set up a system to document instances of state violence against protesters, which included illegal detention and custodial torture, the use of tear gas, surveillance, police brutality and hate speech.…  Seguir leyendo »

Los manifestantes gritan consignas durante una protesta contra la detención de la activista climática Disha Ravi, en Calcuta, India, el pasado 23 de febrero.RUPAK DE CHOWDHURI / Reuters

Las cámaras que se amontonaban frente a la enorme prisión de Tihar, en Nueva Delhi, evocaban el frenesí mediático esperable cuando se trata de un primer ministro atrapado en un escándalo de corrupción o quizá una estrella de Bollywood a la que han pillado en una cama que no era la suya. Pero las cámaras esperaban a Disha Ravi, una activista del clima de 22 años, vegana y amante de la naturaleza, que, sin proponérselo, ha acabado en medio de una aventura legal digna de Orwell, compuesta por acusaciones de sedición, incitación y participación en una conspiración internacional que incluye, entre otros, a agricultores indios en rebelión, la estrella mundial Rihanna, supuestos planes contra el yoga y el chai, el separatismo sij y Greta Thunberg.…  Seguir leyendo »

A farmer holds a hand up during a demonstration against recent agricultural reforms at a highway in Ghazipur on the outskirts of New Delhi on Saturday. (Anindito Mukherjee/Bloomberg News)

Rihanna may not have released new music in years, but her recent tweet on the ongoing farmers protests in India was music to the ears of human rights supporters around the globe.

Last week, the pop star and beauty mogul tweeted a CNN article about the Indian government shutting down the Internet in protest sites near the capital. She asked, “Why aren’t we talking about this?!” and used the hashtag #FarmersProtest, which has been the rallying cry for what started as a protest by Indian farmers against agriculture reform bills and has become one of the largest protests for economic and human rights in the world.…  Seguir leyendo »

Las plataformas de redes sociales suelen ser criticadas por su susceptibilidad al diálogo tóxico y a los ataques agresivos. Es un problema que la India conoce bien. Basta con preguntarle a la ministra de Asuntos Exteriores, Sushma Swaraj, cuya reciente denigración por parte de miembros y seguidores de su propio partido, Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) o Partido Popular Indio, es un buen ejemplo.

Swaraj se ha hecho conocida por responder en Twitter a las solicitudes de parte de los ciudadanos de servicios del Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores. Sin embargo, lo que motivó los ataques recientes fue el traslado disciplinario de un funcionario que le había hecho comentarios intolerantes a una pareja interconfesional cuando solicitó un pasaporte.…  Seguir leyendo »

Protesters post a hashtag to social media together to make it trend as they denounce policies of President Donald Trump on Presidents Day at the Not My President's Day Rally in Los Angeles, California February 20, 2017. REUTERS/David McNew - RTSZJPS

US president Donald Trump, who gets on Twitter the moment he wakes up, may be social media’s most prominent politician user, but he is hardly the only one. For the past two decades, world leaders have leveraged the power of the internet to communicate with the public. In some nations, digital tools are part of an effort to increase government transparency and accountability. In others, they are a platform for propaganda, censorship and fake news.

The Conversation Global’s series Politics in the Age of Social Media examines the varied ways that governments around the world rely on digital tools to exercise power.…  Seguir leyendo »

La diplomacia a menudo es testigo de altercados inusuales. En los anales de la historia se registra la Guerra del cerdo y la papa del año 1859, la Controversia de los lamas bailarines en 1924 y el Incidente de la pulsera de Bogotá del año 1970, por nombrar sólo algunos. Sin embargo, pocos fueron más insólitos que el recientemente concluido Incidente de los felpudos ofensivos.

La gigante empresa de comercio electrónico Amazon – que últimamente se ha dedicado a cultivar el mercado de la India, por considerarlo como la próxima frontera para su expansión global, hecho que se refleja en sus planes para invertir 5 mil millones de dólares en el país – se vio recientemente sorprendida por una serie de tuits desmedidos que fueron publicados por la ministra de Relaciones Exteriores de la India, Sushma Swaraj.…  Seguir leyendo »

On the evening of Feb. 20 at around 8:40 p.m., while the graduate student Kanhaiya Kumar was locked up in Tihar Jail on sedition charges, his profile picture on Facebook was changed. The new photo, which showed a group of soldiers levering a flag-pole into a wasted hilltop, looked familiar except for one detail. In place of the Stars and Stripes flapping in the wind in Joe Rosenthal’s original 1945 shot of Iwo Jima, an Indian flag was flying full and proud.

It is likely that Mr. Kumar’s account was hacked, and that his picture was replaced to signal that subversive thinking will always be surmounted by nationalists, like that hilltop by the valiant warriors.…  Seguir leyendo »