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Bryan Bedder/Getty Images Alexander Nix, CEO of Cambridge Analytica, addressing the Concordia Summit in New York, September 19, 2016

Apparently, the age of the old-fashioned spook is in decline. What is emerging instead is an obscure world of mysterious boutique companies specializing in data analysis and online influence that contract with government agencies. As they say about hedge funds, if the general public has heard their names that’s probably not a good sign. But there is now one data analysis company that anyone who pays attention to the US and UK press has heard of: Cambridge Analytica. Representatives have boasted that their list of past and current clients includes the British Ministry of Defense, the US Department of Defense, the US Department of State, the CIA, the Defense Intelligence Agency, and NATO.…  Seguir leyendo »

Gráficos de páginas de Facebook que se mostraron en una audiencia, celebrada en Capitol Hill, sobre la interferencia de Rusia en las elecciones estadounidenses. Credit Shawn Thew / European Pressphoto Agency

Dirigí la estrategia de Facebook para arreglar los problemas de privacidad en su plataforma para desarrolladores cuando preparaba su oferta pública inicial (OPI) de 2012. Pude percibir que es una empresa que le da prioridad a la recolección de datos de sus usuarios antes que a protegerlos de abusos. Ahora que el mundo analiza qué hacer con Facebook tras el papel que desempeñó en la interferencia rusa en las elecciones de Estados Unidos, debemos tomar en cuenta esta historia. Los legisladores no deben permitir que Facebook se regule a sí misma, porque no lo hará.

Facebook sabe lo que te gusta, dónde estás, quiénes son tus amigos y cuáles son tus intereses, si tienes una relación o no, qué páginas de Internet ves.…  Seguir leyendo »

Graphics of Facebook pages were displayed at a hearing on Capitol Hill about Russia’s interference in the election. Credit Shawn Thew/European Pressphoto Agency

I led Facebook’s efforts to fix privacy problems on its developer platform in advance of its 2012 initial public offering. What I saw from the inside was a company that prioritized data collection from its users over protecting them from abuse. As the world contemplates what to do about Facebook in the wake of its role in Russia’s election meddling, it must consider this history. Lawmakers shouldn’t allow Facebook to regulate itself. Because it won’t.

Facebook knows what you look like, your location, who your friends are, your interests, if you’re in a relationship or not, and what other pages you look at on the web.…  Seguir leyendo »