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La «ley habilitante» —como justificadamente la llaman los críticos— que aprobó el parlamento húngaro el 30 de marzo, permite al primer ministro Viktor Orbán gobernar por decreto por tiempo indeterminado, supuestamente para que el gobierno pueda combatir mejor la pandemia de COVID-19. De hecho, la nueva ley pone en peligro las vidas de muchos húngaros porque permite al gobierno limitar drásticamente la información relacionada con el manejo del virus. Las mortales consecuencias de ese tipo de enfoque son bien conocidas por lo que ocurrió en Wuhan, China, donde las autoridades inicialmente eliminaron información sobre el brote del nuevo coronavirus.

La ley habilitante de Orbán neutraliza los pocos canales con responsabilidad democrática que quedaban en Hungría.…  Seguir leyendo »

L’Europe, berceau des droits de l’homme, de la liberté et de la démocratie, a de tout temps promu ses valeurs bien au-delà de ses frontières. Parlement européen, Conseil de l’Europe, Etats, tous défendent ces principes universels et appellent les pays du monde à les respecter. Mais aujourd’hui, notre continent inquiète.

Des leaders politiques profitent aujourd’hui d’une situation sanitaire inédite pour s’arroger des pouvoirs disproportionnés et illimités dans le temps. En Pologne, le chef de la majorité de droite ultraconservatrice PiS a réalisé un coup de force au Parlement pour maintenir l’élection présidentielle en mai, en généralisant le vote par correspondance. C’est aux services nationaux de la Poste qu’il revient d’assurer le rôle de la commission électorale.…  Seguir leyendo »

A pedestrian takes in the view from the stairs of the deserted Citadel at night in Budapest on March 31. Hungary's parliament handed Prime Minister Viktor Orban the right to rule by decree indefinitely, effectively putting the country under his sole command. (Akos Stiller/Bloomberg)

On Monday, Hungary’s Parliament granted Prime Minister Viktor Orbán the sweeping emergency powers he had asked for. Under the justification of the coronavirus epidemic, Orbán can suspend existing laws and rule by decree for an indefinite period.

No by-elections can be held while the emergency powers remain in place. Anyone the government views as spreading “falsehoods” or “distorted truths” that obstruct efforts to protect the public from the pandemic can be jailed for up to five years. In theory, Parliament could overturn the law with a two-thirds vote. In practice, Orbán’s Fidesz party dominates the body, and will probably allow Orbán to rule by fiat as long as he wants to.…  Seguir leyendo »

Covid-19 is about to claim a new victim: Hungary’s democracy.

The country’s parliament is set to adopt a new law that will give the government of Prime Minister Viktor Orban a legal mandate to rule by decree, without any sunset clause and without parliamentary oversight. The government initially sought to fast-track the legislation and adopt it already on March 24, but it lacked the supermajority needed to accelerate the proceedings. The party, however, does not lack the votes to ensure that the legislation is passed through the normal legislative process a few days later.

The brazenness of Orban’s power grab is without any parallel in recent European history.…  Seguir leyendo »