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We’re Locked Down Again in the Netherlands. Here’s a Warning.

Since 5 a.m. on Sunday, bars, restaurants, museums, schools, clothing stores, gift shops and anything resembling fun have been closed across the Netherlands. We’ve become the first European country to go back to lockdown life amid Omicron (until at least early January): It was “unavoidable,” said Prime Minister Mark Rutte. So here we are, looking over the borders enviously at holiday sales and seasonal celebrations in Belgian Antwerp. Once more, it doesn’t look a lot like Christmas.

The Netherlands’ lockdown stands as a warning to the United States, other European countries and Covid hot spots across the globe. The warning, though, isn’t just about Omicron — other countries have more coronavirus cases and worse vaccination rates than the Netherlands does, and they are not locking down (at least yet).…  Seguir leyendo »

Crowds at the Vroesepark in Rotterdam over the weekend. Photograph: Barcroft Media/via Getty Images

The whole world has been struggling to contain the coronavirus and “flatten the curve”, but Taiwan has had no curve. Out of a population of 24 million, only 440 people have tested positive for Covid-19, and there have been just seven deaths. Compare that with the Netherlands: while it is similar in size to Taiwan with a population of 17 million, well over 5,000 lives have been lost to the virus.

What has made the difference? Clearly, the Netherlands is not an island that could cut itself off from the rest of world, lock down completely and thus contain the disease.…  Seguir leyendo »

Recientemente, el primer ministro de Portugal calificaba como “repugnantes” las últimas declaraciones realizadas por el ministro de Finanzas de los Países Bajos, Wopke Hoekstra, en las que acusaba al Gobierno de España de no haber ahorrado los suficientes fondos durante los últimos años para hacer frente a la crisis de la Covid-19. Mas allá del legítimo rechazo a las palabras de Hoekstra por la insolidaridad y por el halo xenófobo que alientan, entiendo que es fundamental intentar describir con sosiego qué es lo que está sucediendo.

En este sentido, algunas precisiones son importantes. Son muchas las voces discordantes con las decisiones tomadas durante esta crisis por el Gobierno de Mark Rutte.…  Seguir leyendo »