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© FT montage: Getty Images | Monitoring former Covid patients and putting medical practitioners into the community may help to mitigate the pandemic’s after-effects

When Dr David Strain encountered a 64-year-old patient on his ward round, the British geriatrician had a bleak epiphany.

Less than six months earlier he had treated the man for Covid-19. Now, his deterioration was painful to witness. “He came in with a stroke and really bad delirium, a precursor of dementia”, Strain says. “I saw the patient, recognised him [and] recognised the fact that his brain had dramatically aged”.

By unsettling coincidence, the same day Strain, who is based at the University of Exeter in England’s west country, had read a newly published study which identified significant brain shrinkage in a cohort of about 400 people aged between 51 and 81 who had recovered from coronavirus.…  Seguir leyendo »