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Sanitarios del Hospital Dos de Mayo de Barcelona.

La pandemia ha reordenado prioridades políticas e incluso vitales. La salud está hoy en el centro del debate en las instituciones y también en los hogares. El maldito coronavirus nos ha recordado qué es lo verdaderamente importante. Nos ha recordado nuestra fragilidad.

Pero los europeos tenemos la suerte de vivir en el rincón del mundo con los mejores estándares de bienestar. La Unión Europea (UE) goza de unos sistemas nacionales de salud que nos hacen únicos en el mundo. Es un legado que, juntos, debemos conservar y mejorar.

La Europa de las personas es una esperanza compartida. Para conseguirla, es fundamental que las instituciones comunitarias sitúen la salud en el centro de su proyecto.…  Seguir leyendo »

Smoke rose from a community hall where Saudi-led warplanes struck a funeral in Sana, Yemen’s capital. Credit Khaled Abdullah/Reuters

It was two days after the young Yemeni man was released from surgery that the doctors first noticed the smell. The bullet that wounded the leg of the 22-year-old college student had shattered bone and torn a hole in the soft tissue. Now, the wound was emitting a distinct smell, described in the medical literature as “offensive.” It strongly suggested infection, perhaps life-threatening, and the wound was not getting better.

Realizing that normal antibiotics were not working, the doctors at a trauma center run by Doctors Without Borders sent a blood culture for analysis to their new microbiology lab, the only one of its kind in the region.…  Seguir leyendo »

Consider an all-too-common scenario: You're burning up from a high fever after a routine surgical procedure, and an infection specialist is called to help treat your problem. You assume that a short course of antibiotics will quickly turn things around. But the specialist candidly admits: "I'm sorry, I can't treat your infection. You've got a resistant bacteria, a super bug."

Any of us might hear those frightening words sooner than we think.

Antibiotics once seemed like a miracle weapon in our fight against microbes that have plagued mankind for millenniums, killing untold numbers of people with wounds and serious infections. But we're in danger of losing that weapon.…  Seguir leyendo »