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Niñas de la localidad india de Jammu. Sharon Christina Rørvik (Unsplash)

Resulta difícil imaginar un lugar más terrorífico para una niña que el infame distrito rojo de Kamathipura en Bombay. Sin embargo, hasta los siete años, Priya (nombre figurado) solía pasar día y noche en estas estrechas calles llenas de trabajadoras sexuales y turbios personajes, a menudo casi desnuda en medio del calor abrasador, mientras su madre permanecía en un prostíbulo cercano.

La madre de Priya es una superviviente de explotación sexual, vendida a un burdel por un amigo del pueblo que, tras prometerle un trabajo, la traicionó. La golpearon, la torturaron y la retuvieron. Al final, la forzaron a ejercer la prostitución.…  Seguir leyendo »

Sex Abuse and China's Children

When I was 13, living in the outskirts of Nanjing, my math teacher molested all the girls in our class, including me. Under the pretense of checking my work, he would lean over me, his face so close that I could smell his garlic breath, and he’d move his hand up my shirt, touching my chest.

Apart from trying to avoid him, we didn’t take any action. We knew what he was doing was wrong, but it never occurred to us to report him. A teacher in a Chinese classroom holds tremendous authority over students, and we didn’t even know the term “sexual abuse.”…  Seguir leyendo »

The files released last week by America's largest Catholic archdiocese revealed new and disturbing details about how church officials schemed to protect priests accused of molesting children. But was the scandal in Los Angeles really so much worse than in other places?

Sadly, no. The details emerging from the documents mirror what happened in archdioceses across the country, as church officials time and again put their own concerns above the needs of victims.

One of the earliest cases to draw nationwide attention involved Gilbert Gauthe, a priest who raped dozens of boys in rural Louisiana. By 1984, when Gauthe was indicted on 34 counts of sex crimes against children, church officials had been aware he was abusing children for at least a decade.…  Seguir leyendo »

One cannot choose to not be a pedophile, but one can choose to not be a child molester.

As details of the accusations of sexual abuse emerged from the Jerry Sandusky trial, and as the public looks on with horror, a central element to the case that has received scant attention is pedophilia itself.

"Pedophilia" was long used as a synonym for "child molestation," and both were often seen as psychological failures of self-control. Child molesters were thought to be acting out their own histories of abuses, reacting to fears of adult relationships, or manifesting a symptom that might be resolved in psychotherapy, after which they would no longer be pedophilic.…  Seguir leyendo »

I was asked to write this article as a Catholic: as a Catholic the reality that a pope has to summon bishops from any part of the world to discuss child abuse in which Catholic clergy have been involved is distressing. As a European citizen the fact that the horrors that have been uncovered in Ireland are so significant in number, so long term in nature, and so shocking in their depravity means that one can only be aware that words do not do justice to the plight of those whose lives will have been so gravely harmed. In such circumstances only prosecution where prosecution is due is an appropriate response.…  Seguir leyendo »

Una buena parte de la Iglesia católica, concretamente del clero, deja espantados y verdaderamente escandalizados a los fieles que aún creen en dicha confesión religiosa, debido al número cada día mayor de abusos a niños y adolescentes por parte del clero.

Nunca la palabra escándalo ha sido mejor usada. Y lo curioso es que esa palabra fue la usada hace más de 2.000 años por quien, según la Iglesia, fue su fundador y maestro, Jesús, el profeta de Nazareth. Y lo hizo para referirse a los abusos con los niños.

Los exégetas saben muy bien que es muy difícil decidir cuáles de las sentencias importantes que se ponen en boca de Jesús son de su autoría o fueron creadas o manipuladas por los evangelistas.…  Seguir leyendo »

Irlanda logró la independencia en 1922, pero ello no comportó demasiadas mejoras para el país. Habiendo quedado al margen de la industrialización, era una sociedad totalmente agrícola y con una población en constante huida de la pobreza hacia Inglaterra, paradójicamente la antigua colonizadora, o Norteamérica. El historiador Joe Lee ha llegado a afirmar que después de la independencia la situación económica empeoró más si cabe. No existía una burguesía que invirtiera en industria y había poco sentido de innovación cultural o social. En cambio, lo que se daba era un peligroso fanatismo católico que fue a peor, y quien presidió el país durante décadas, Eamon de Valera, representaba una de sus máximas expresiones.…  Seguir leyendo »

Understandably distracted by our own little crisis of trust, we have perhaps not taken in the apocalyptic import of a bigger one across the Irish Sea.

Perhaps it is a vague sense that we knew it all; perhaps reluctance to engage with the horrid details of the Ryan report into child abuse by Irish clerics. Perhaps some think it is old history, a 1950s horror. Maybe there is even a decorous sense that — as a new Archbishop of Westminster is enthroned here — it is tasteless to dwell on the wickedness deliberately concealed by his Church right into the 1990s.…  Seguir leyendo »

Everyone knew. When the Commission to Inquire Into Child Abuse issued its report this week, after nine years of investigation, the Irish collectively threw up their hands in horror, asking that question we have heard so often, from so many parts of the world, throughout the past century: How could it happen?

Surely the systematic cruelty visited upon hundreds of thousands of children incarcerated in state institutions in this country from 1914 to 2000, the period covered by the inquiry, but particularly from 1930 until 1990, would have been prevented if enough right-thinking people had been aware of what was going on?…  Seguir leyendo »