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This past week might have been one of the most serendipitous in the history of global reality television programming. MTV announced that Snooki and the rest of the very racy "Jersey Shore" gang are headed to Italy to film their fourth season, just as Italy has been gripped by a torrent of wiretaps and court documents alleging a very racy sex scandal involving Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi.

Chris Linn, executive vice president of programming for MTV, made the announcement of the show's season abroad: "The cast is headed to the birthplace of the culture they love and live by. We can't wait to see what erupts as a result".…  Seguir leyendo »

En Marat-Sade, de Peter Weiss, obra emblemática de los felices sesenta, la ruptura con el orden moral establecido es presentada como complemento imprescindible de la transformación política: "¿Y qué será de la revolución, sin una universal copulación?". El camino había sido desbrozado por libros como Eros y civilización, de Marcuse, y por el propio cambio en las costumbres reflejado en la filmografía. Las utopías del 68 iban cobrando forma y dentro de ellas la expansión sexual ocupó un puesto destacado, con el musical Hair a modo de mascarón de proa, exaltando de modo ingenuo el desnudo, el amor en grupo, la sodomía y, de modo genérico, "la perversión", sobre el telón de fondo de un pacifismo enfrentado a la guerra de Vietnam.…  Seguir leyendo »

Italy's premier Silvio Berlusconi is angry, underneath his smiling mask. Under pressure from the many scandals surrounding him, he brushes off all accusations and Italians seem to side with him – looking at the latest administrative electoral results, where Berlusconi's centre-right Partito delle Libertà fared well. Nonetheless the infernal process that he commenced is starting to turn against him.

According to the opposition leader Dario Franceschini, commenting on how Italians voted in the European and local elections, "the decline of the right wing has started". So far that seems more a dream than a reality, but it is true that Italy is divided in two: half on the right and half on the left.…  Seguir leyendo »

En la década de los veinte, el humorista Luis Bagaría realizó para el diario El Sol una serie de viñetas en las cuales sacaba a la luz un turbio asunto de abuso de poder, tema vetado por la censura para los comentarios escritos. Se trataba de la protección dada, a costa de un juez, por el dictador Primo de Rivera a una coima apodada La Caoba, cuyo eco seguirá resonando en una canción hasta mediados de siglo: "La llamaban La Caoba por su pelo colorao...". Una de las tres viñetas, titulada Dibujo de almohada, era muy sofisticada, con un caracol trepando por una rama rota, y si hoy podemos entenderla es porque fue publicada la explicación de su enigma en La Nación, de Buenos Aires.…  Seguir leyendo »

Benito Mussolini notoriously saw himself as a new Augustus, a 20th-century reincarnation of Rome's first emperor. Sixty years later (and almost as far to the Right), Silvio Berlusconi seems more reminiscent of Augustus's stepson and successor, the emperor Tiberius, who ruled the Roman world from AD14 until he was smothered in his bed in AD37 by the Prefect of the Praetorian Guard (Rome's equivalent of the Head of the Security Services).

Rumour of sexual frolics with adolescent favourites on secluded Mediterranean islands are no doubt the most newsworthy thing that the Italian Prime Minister and Tiberius have in common. Mr Berlusconi has chosen Sardinia as the playground retreat of his old age.…  Seguir leyendo »

The blusterbuss that is Silvio Berlusconi is firing full blast and all Italy is, yet again, watching him fight his way out of his latest troubles. They include his umpteenth brush with Italy’s magistrates, a damning legal judgment that he bribed David Mills, the British lawyer, a cool $600,000 to commit perjury; divorce, for the second time, in this Catholic country – a divorce blamed by Veronica Lario, his wife, on her septuagenarian spouse’s “consorting with minors”; and his implausible friendship with a Neapolitan family remarkable only for the beauty of Noemi Letizia, their daughter.

Any one of these scandals would destroy most politicians.…  Seguir leyendo »