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A farmer walks a cow on the square facing the city hall of Lyon on Feb. 22 during a demonstration to protest the city majority's decision to keep meat off city schools' menu. (Olivier Chassignole/AFP/Getty Images)

In France today, when a mayor decides to take meat out of the school menus in his city, it becomes a matter of national debate across the political landscape.

Last month, Lyon Mayor Grégory Doucet announced the city would stop serving meat in school cafeterias. Meant to be temporary, the official goal of the policy is to reduce food options to more easily adhere to social distancing rules. In fact, animal proteins will not even be totally banned since cheese, fish and eggs will still be served.

But it was enough to spark national furor. First farmers protested, driving their heavy vehicles and livestock in front of the of the city hall.…  Seguir leyendo »