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President Lyndon B. Johnson and Defense Secretary Robert McNamara in the White House in Washington, July, 27, 1965. LBJ Presidential Library/Yoichi Okamoto

The success of any nuclear framework agreement negotiated by Iran and the P5+1 (United States, Britain, France, Germany, France and Britain) this week ultimately will be determined not by the signing of a final accord in June but by Tehran’s fidelity to nonproliferation in the years and decades to come.

Given Iran’s history of nuclear deception, the gnawing question remains: What if the mullahs attempt to break out and build a bomb? Then what?

“Then what” is not a new nonproliferation concern. Think North Korea. Policymakers in the United States and elsewhere never got a handle on putting Pyongyang’s nuclear genie back in the bottle.…  Seguir leyendo »

Today, the International Atomic Energy Agency released a report on Iran’s nuclear program. It provides the most convincing evidence to date that Iran is close to producing a nuclear weapon.

But as Iran nears the nuclear threshold, the best way to stop it may be by punishing the Chinese companies that supply Tehran and enable its nuclear progress.

The Obama administration seems to understand this. The late September visit to China by David S. Cohen, the Treasury Department’s new under secretary for terrorism and financial intelligence, included the most explicit warning yet to Beijing that its banks and financial institutions could face sanctions if they continued to do business with Iranian entities.…  Seguir leyendo »

Por Augusto Soto, profesor del Centro de Estudios Internacionales e Interculturales de la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona (REAL INSTITUTO ELCANO, 24/04/06):

Tema: China es parte concernida en la crisis iraní como comprador e inversor de primera línea en el sector energético que desarrolla Teherán y como miembro permanente de un Consejo de Seguridad de Naciones Unidas que podría verse sobrepasado nuevamente, como en Irak, por los actores de un conflicto todavía más profundo. En las últimas semanas la crisis se ahonda y Pekín sigue en su postura conciliatoria envuelta en pragmatismo, elementos con los que nunca realmente ha perdido posiciones en el Golfo Pérsico, más allá del congelamiento de algunos contratos.…  Seguir leyendo »