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Sled dogs wade through water on the sea ice of Greenland as the Arctic faces the consequences of global warming. DANISH METEOROLOGICAL INSTIUTUTE/STEFFEN OLSEN/GETTY IMAGES

Covid-19 should not have struck us so unawares. Why did the warnings of Bill Gates and others go unheeded? Why were even rich countries so unprepared? The answer is clear. Governments recognise a duty to prepare for floods, terrorist acts and other risks that are likely to occur in the short term and be restricted to their own countries. But they have little incentive to tackle longer-term threats that are likely to occur long after they’ve left office and which are global rather than local.

Such threats are many and varied — and looming ever larger. As we’ve discovered to our cost, pandemics can strike at any time; so can worldwide failures of infrastructure.…  Seguir leyendo »