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To understand Northern Thunder, the biggest war games exercise in the Middle East, which is taking place this month, you have to start much further north -- above the Arctic Circle. So dangerous has the Syrian civil war become, and so desperate the millions of people displaced by it, that thousands are trekking, often on foot, through some of the most desolate regions of Russia and Sweden, simply to reach safety.

Europeans have their own reactions to this influx of men, women and children. But viewed from the Middle East, this vast movement of humanity is the inevitable consequence of neglecting the Syrian civil war.…  Seguir leyendo »

Convidar a Irán a ser parte de la próxima ronda de conversaciones sobre la crisis en Siria que se realizará en Viena, Austria (invitación que se reiteró la semana pasada) tiene consecuencias de largo alcance. De hecho, el actual gobierno iraní está intentando acabar con un equilibrio de poder que ha durado cerca de 1.400 años. Como cuna del mundo musulmán, Arabia Saudí no lo permitirá.

La brecha entre Irán y Arabia Saudí, respectivamente las potencias más prominentes del islamismo chií y suní de Oriente Próximo, tiene profundas raíces. Para comprender más allá de Siria lo que está pasando realmente hoy en la región, tenemos que considerar los orígenes del cisma entre ambas corrientes, la brecha entre los mundos árabe y persa y las luchas del pasado sobre el modo de gobernar el Islam.…  Seguir leyendo »

There are three things that the government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia strives for above all others: peace, stability and security, for the international community, for our region, and for our country and our people, whether they are old or young, men or women, Sunni or Shia. These are the cornerstones of our government and they lie at the foundation of our thinking.

The escalating and alarming situation in Iraq is of serious concern. These are our neighbours, our friends, and we watch with distress as this terrible situation escalates next to us.

As our foreign minister, HRH Prince Saud al Faisal, told the Islamic Conference of regional leaders in Jeddah this week, “this grave situation… carries with it signs of civil war that has implications for the region we cannot fathom”.…  Seguir leyendo »

Saudi Arabia appears resolute: It wants Bashar al-Assad out of Damascus. The Saudis view the fighting in Syria with the same intensity that they did the civil war in Yemen that raged in the 1960s — as a conflict with wide and serious repercussions that will shape the political trajectory of the Middle East for years to come.

The Syrian war presents the Saudis with a chance to hit three birds with one stone: Iran, its rival for regional dominance, Tehran’s ally Assad, and his Hezbollah supporters. But Riyadh’s policy makers are wary. They know that once fully committed, it will be difficult to disengage.…  Seguir leyendo »