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The funeral of Ukrainian soldier Vadym ‘Gagarin’ Belov in Polonne, Ukraine, on 13 September 2023. Photograph: Alex Babenko/AP

Recently, Michael Kofman, senior fellow at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace and one of the foremost analysts of the war in Ukraine, urged that the west “plan for the long war”. He was talking about the military challenges facing the country: ammunition, air defence, key enablers and scaling up training.

Kofman is right – the massive scale of the operation ahead cannot be overestimated. A recent trip I made to Kyiv confirms the extraordinary bravery, resilience and commitment of the Ukrainian population. But it also laid bare the civilian cost of the war, visible and invisible. With no end to the war in sight, civilian and humanitarian needs must be planned for, not just military ones.…  Seguir leyendo »

Red Cross and Doctors Without Borders staff help evacuate pensioners from villages near the front lines of Russia's invasion of Ukraine in Pokrovsk, Donetsk region, on July 18. Anatolii Stepanov/AFP via Getty Images

In April, I was volunteering with World Central Kitchen along Poland’s border with Ukraine. A barbeque chef from North Carolina stood next to me in the warehouse as we unpacked bread for sandwiches. “I heard the International Red Cross is kidnapping Ukrainians and taking them into Russia”, he said confidently.

The chef said that earlier, at a nearby cafe, a man went from table to table telling diners the humanitarian organization was forcibly deporting Ukrainians to Russia. Social media users shared and posted tweets about the purported kidnappings, with mentions of the Red Cross peaking over a three-day period at the end of March.…  Seguir leyendo »

Volunteers complete first aid kits at a humanitarian relief centre in Lviv, Ukraine. Photo by YURIY DYACHYSHYN/AFP via Getty Images.

Sanctions play a major role in the response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. The United Nations (UN) has not imposed sanctions, but an important number of states have done so. They have imposed a wide array of restrictions and the number of targeted – or ‘designated’ – persons is unprecedented.

The public has been captivated by the freezing of oligarchs’ assets. There is ongoing discussion about seizing them to provide compensation for war damage. Debate continues about how far to ban oil and gas imports.

One aspect of the sanctions has received far less attention, even though it can exacerbate the effect of the conflict of civilians.…  Seguir leyendo »

La maison de Luba

Chère Luba,

Je souhaitais vous revoir dans votre village au cœur du Donbass où nous vous avions connue cet été. Alors, sous un soleil resplendissant, nous étions convenus de reconstruire votre maison.

La veille de notre nouvelle rencontre, le 7 octobre, il faisait encore un temps doux et automnal. Profitant des dernières températures clémentes, les clients venaient nombreux savourer leur café sur les terrasses de Donetsk sans risque de se faire faucher par un obus. Le cessez-le-feu tenait depuis six semaines.

Le lendemain, le thermomètre enregistrait sans transition les premières valeurs négatives de la saison, funestes prémices d’un hiver rude et précoce.…  Seguir leyendo »