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Sudan's ousted president Omar al-Bashir (centre) during his trial along with others over the 1989 military coup that brought them to power, at a courthouse in Khartoum. Photo by Mahmoud Hjaj/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images.

The demand for justice was a major driver of the December 2018 Sudanese revolution that saw former President Omar al-Bashir removed after almost three decades in power, and ensuring accountability is now one of the biggest challenges facing the transitional government which replaced him.

Atrocities committed under the Bashir regime are already well documented, such as the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people and the displacement of millions in Darfur, the Nuba Mountains, and Blue Nile.

The Darfur situation was referred to the International Criminal Court (ICC) by the UN Security Council back in 2005, and arrest warrants were issued against Bashir and four others.…  Seguir leyendo »

After days of wrangling to try and have him arrested the Sudanese president, Omar al-Bashir, has left South Africa before a court there could decide whether to arrest him.

The International Criminal Court (ICC) has been trying for years to have al-Bashir apprehended since charging him with the commission of atrocities against civilians in Darfur, which resulted in the deaths of over 300,000 people. He has flouted the ICC’s arrest warrant since it was issued in 2009, blithely travelling throughout Africa and the Middle East despite a UN Security Council resolution that requires all states to co-operate with the ICC.

There were some signs that this time, things might be different.…  Seguir leyendo »

En sus pocos años de existencia, la Corte Penal Internacional está haciendo un trabajo impecable e implacable, con rigor jurídico e imparcialidad, sin las alharacas, inconsistencia y arbitrariedades a las que nos tienen acostumbrados la Justicia española y, de modo escandaloso y presuntamente delictivo, algunos magistrados, sin que el imperio de la ley recaiga sobre ellos.

El tratado internacional (Estatuto) que creó la Corte Penal Internacional entró en vigor en julio de 2002 y ya tiene abierto proceso a una decena de personas -algunos ex-ministros-. Uno de los aspectos más progresivos e impactantes del Estatuto de la Corte para el ordenamiento internacional es su afirmación de que «se aplica por igual a todos, sin distinción alguna basada en el cargo oficial» y especifica que el cargo de jefe de Estado o de Gobierno «en ningún caso les eximirá de responsabilidad penal» (artículo 27).…  Seguir leyendo »