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People making a TikTok dance video on the terrace of their residence in Hyderabad, India. Credit Noah Seelam/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images

I confess: I have a TikTok-designated burner phone.

The short-video sharing service sucked me in immediately with its algorithmically perfect cascade of videos that has been designed to entertain me for forever.

I marvel at how smoothly it works. I am even more gobsmacked by the creativity on display — by many kinds of people, both professional entertainers and just regular folks (and not just teenagers).

It is perhaps the best social media — with an emphasis on media — network to come along in quite a while. Simply put, it is a wonderful tech product.

Just recently: The shoe-jumping people.…  Seguir leyendo »

El teléfono celular es el dispositivo más íntimo en la historia de la humanidad. Raramente nos separamos a más de un metro de él, es la primera cosa que vemos al despertar y la última que consultamos antes de ir a dormir. Bajo la premisa de “tú estás dónde está tu celular” nació la estrategia de espionaje de los IMSI Catchers, que simulan ser antenas convencionales a las cuales nuestro celular se conecta para conseguir señal de llamada y datos.

Una vez conectado un IMSI Catcher, el sistema tiene la capacidad de identificar la tarjeta SIM, escuchar las llamadas telefónicas, ver a qué páginas de internet te conectas y ubicar si estás dentro del radio de acción de la antena.…  Seguir leyendo »

When they met most recently, President Obama extracted from his Chinese counterpart, Xi Jinping, a solemn pledge to rein in Chinese surveillance and hacking of U.S. government agencies, companies and individuals. The backsliding seems to have begun almost immediately , with new reports of attacks by Chinese hackers in the United States. This conflict is not only a matter of competing national interests. At its heart are radically opposed conceptions of personal privacy and the legality of government monitoring.

Within China, government monitoring of private communication is not only common, but it is also explicit, institutionalized and generally quite popular. How much so?…  Seguir leyendo »