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¿El comercio ayuda a fomentar la paz? No siempre

El 12 de abril de 1861, la artillería rebelde abrió fuego contra Fort Sumter, y así comenzó la Guerra de Secesión de Estados Unidos. Al final, la guerra se convirtió en una catástrofe para el sur, que perdió a más de una quinta parte de sus jóvenes. Pero ¿por qué los secesionistas, del sur confederado, creían que podrían ganar?

Una de las razones es que creían que estaban en posesión de un arma económica poderosa. La economía del Reino Unido, la principal potencia mundial en ese momento, dependía profundamente del algodón del sur, y pensaron que cortar ese suministro obligaría al Reino Unido a intervenir del lado de la Confederación.…  Seguir leyendo »

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky wants the world to boycott Russian goods. And he’s asked that countries suspend Russia’s participation in the World Trade Organization (WTO), which would make it far more difficult for Russian goods and services to compete in the global marketplace.

Russia has responded to Ukraine’s call for its ouster by arguing that WTO members “should refrain from discussing in the WTO … issues and events, which are out of the scope of the WTO”, and arguing that WTO rules do not permit its suspension.

This may become the newest front in the world’s unprecedented economic response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.…  Seguir leyendo »

Trade disputes helped trigger the Ukrainian conflict. They must now be a big part of the solution.

A key reason for the outbreak of hostilities was that Moscow wanted Kiev to join the Russian-led Eurasian Customs Union, not the European Union Association Agreement. Ukraine should not have been forced to choose — or rather should be able to pursue both avenues. It is time to ensure that a country is able to take either path without negative repercussions, domestic or international.

This may be difficult for Ukraine, however. Roughly 25 percent of its exports go to the Eurasian Economic Union, while another 25 percent go to the European Union.…  Seguir leyendo »