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María Lvova-Belova, comisaria de la Infancia de Rusia, en octubre de 2022 con un grupo de niños deportados desde Mariúpol.

A partir de 2014 y especialmente desde 2022, el Estado ruso ha puesto en marcha una escandalosa política de desplazamiento forzoso de civiles ucranianos y deportación a gran escala, incluidos miles de menores y adolescentes no acompañados.

Uno de los objetivos de la invasión rusa desde 2022 ha sido capturar y luego rusificar a un gran número de ciudadanos ucranianos para apuntalar la menguante población de Rusia. Este objetivo puede ser tan importante para Moscú como la anexión del territorio ucraniano.

El desplazamiento y la deportación de niños se vienen produciendo en la Crimea y el Donbás ocupados por Ucrania desde 2014.…  Seguir leyendo »

The playground of an orphanage in Kherson, Ukraine, from which Russian forces allegedly took 46 children, on Nov. 27, 2022. (Chris McGrath/Getty Images)

The U.N. Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide is crystal clear: “Forcibly transferring children of [a]group to another group”, when committed with intent to destroy a nation in whole or in part, constitutes genocide. Russian President Vladimir Putin has a law degree, so he ought to be aware of the statute. And his intent should by this point not be in doubt.

Even as Russian authorities deported thousands of children from Ukraine to Russia, they did not hide what they were doing. Indeed, they crowed about it, appearing several times a week on Russian state television, often presenting it as a Kremlin-sanctioned campaign for the adoption of Ukrainian children.…  Seguir leyendo »

La autora en su casa en Ontario. May Truong para The New York Times

Crecí en el pequeño poblado de Trang Bang en Vietnam del Sur. Mi madre dijo que de pequeña era muy risueña. Nuestra vida era sencilla y había comida en abundancia, pues mi familia tenía tierra de cultivo y mi madre era propietaria del mejor restaurante del pueblo. Recuerdo que me encantaba ir a la escuela y jugar con mis primos y los demás niños, saltábamos la cuerda, corríamos y nos perseguíamos llenos de alegría.

Todo eso cambió el 8 de junio de 1972. Solo tengo memorias intermitentes de ese día terrible. Estaba jugando con mis primos en el atrio del templo.…  Seguir leyendo »

A health official administers a polio vaccine in 2016 to children at a camp for people displaced by Islamist extremists in Maiduguri, Nigeria. (Sunday Alamba/AP)

As more coronavirus vaccines begin to reach the developing world, global health authorities are pointing out the need for other vaccines as well. UNICEF recently launched a record $9.4 billion emergency appeal to help more than 327 million people — including 177 million children — affected by humanitarian crises and covid-19.

This funding appeal — and UNICEF’s goal of vaccinating 62.1 million children against measles this year — comes at a time when escalating conflicts affect millions of children and their communities. In December, for example, Pakistani Taliban gunmen killed a police officer guarding a polio vaccination team in northwest Pakistan.…  Seguir leyendo »

A Yemeni child holding empty bottles walks past portraits on the graves of Yemenis killed in the country's ongoing conflict at a cemetery in Sanaa, Yemen, on April 17. (Yahya Arhab/EPA-EFE/REX)

More than four years ago, adults started a war in Yemen despite knowing the terrible toll that violent conflict exacts on children.

The war in Yemen, now in its fifth year, continues to fuel the worst humanitarian crisis in the world. Indiscriminate violence and destruction have wreaked havoc on the civilian population and pushed millions to the brink. Yet it is Yemen’s children who suffer first and suffer most.

The consequences read like an itemized list of horrors. More than 6,700 children have been killed or seriously injured, while 12 million — more than 80 percent of all children across the country — need humanitarian assistance to survive.…  Seguir leyendo »

El mundo les falló a los niños en zonas de conflicto

Este Día de los Derechos Humanos (10 de diciembre) marca el 70.º aniversario de la aprobación en la Asamblea General de las Naciones Unidas de la Declaración Universal de Derechos Humanos. Lamentablemente, los acontecimientos de los últimos años muestran que el mundo no está cumpliendo los compromisos consagrados en ese documento, en particular en lo referido a la protección de los niños.

Por ejemplo, en partes del este de Ucrania controladas por separatistas, donde más de 200 000 niños van a la escuela en áreas militarizadas, hubo kindergartens cuyas ventanas fueron alcanzadas por disparos. También hay informes que señalan que en abril, la fuerza aérea afgana, con respaldo de asesores de la coalición de la OTAN liderada por Estados Unidos, mató a 36 estudiantes, profesores y padres, y provocó heridas a otros 71, en una ceremonia de graduación.…  Seguir leyendo »

Young boys known as the Cubs of the Caliphate march after graduating from a religious school in Tal Afar, northern Iraq. (Militant website/AP)

The Islamic State’s recruitment of children has been extensively and graphically documented. The militant group has used children as young as 7 as combatants, messengers, drivers and guards. Islamic State propaganda videos depict juvenile executioners from its “Cubs of the Caliphate” unit shooting prisoners at close range. Although the Islamic State has become notorious for its systematic indoctrination and use of children, media coverage has largely failed to acknowledge that it is but one of many armed groups in Syria and Iraq that have recruited underage girls and boys.

In a new study for United Nations University, I analyze patterns of child recruitment by 10 of the major armed groups participating in the geographically linked conflicts in Syria and Iraq.…  Seguir leyendo »

The world is failing a generation of Iraqi kids

Iraqi children have been the victims of the country’s dire political situation even before the start of the war led by the United States. The negative effects on children started with the harsh United Nations sanctions against the regime of Saddam Hussein and were considerably aggravated by the war, whose consequences are still felt.

Even now, hardly a week passes in Iraq without violence leaving both children and adults with permanent physical and mental scars. Experts such as Dr. Haithi al-Sady from the Psychological Research Center at Baghdad University have warned of the high number of children suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).…  Seguir leyendo »

En las zonas de conflicto, los más afectados por la violencia suelen ser los niños. El mes pasado, una sucesión de ataques aéreos sobre un complejo escolar en Idlib (Siria) provocó la muerte de al menos 22 niños; y los que viven en la asediada ciudad siria de Alepo han estado expuestos sin escapatoria a bombardeos casi constantes durante meses. Como informó el New York Times en septiembre: “No pueden jugar, dormir o ir a la escuela. Y cada vez más, tampoco pueden comer”.

Unas pocas semanas antes de ese informe, frente a una escuela del sur de Tailandia estalló una bomba justo cuando los padres dejaban allí a sus hijos.…  Seguir leyendo »

En este mes, hace 20 años, la Asamblea General de las Naciones Unidas recibió un informe de la exministra de educación de Mozambique Graça Machel, que detallaba los efectos de los conflictos armados sobre los niños. En la documentación de un patrón de ataques sistemáticos e intencionales que incluían asesinatos, violaciones y reclutamiento forzado en grupos armados, Machel concluía: "Este es un espacio carente de los valores humanos más básicos... Hay pocos abismos más profundos a los que puede caer la humanidad".

Machel estaba equivocada: una generación más tarde, la humanidad se desploma aún más profundamente en la depravación moral. Los niños que viven en las zonas de conflicto son blanco de la violencia a una escala sin precedentes y el elaborado sistema de las disposiciones de la ONU sobre los derechos humanos, diseñado para protegerlos, es violado con impunidad.…  Seguir leyendo »

We've all seen the gut-wrenching photo of the 5-year-old Syrian child -- -- pulled out of the rubble in Aleppo and placed in an ambulance, his young face reflecting an obliviousness to the misery around him and the dismal future ahead.

His photo is sadly not the first of a Syrian child suffering from this interminable sectarian chaos. As with the release of other such images, people around the world instantly took to social media to share the photo of this poor boy and decry the violence in Syria. All of us saw our children in Omran -- small, defenseless, innocent.…  Seguir leyendo »

Yemenis who have fled their homes in Saada live in makeshift tents near the city of Amran. Photo by Getty Images.

Saudi Arabia's foreign policy has become more and more assertive since King Salman bin Abdulaziz al-Saud ascended to the throne in early 2015. Under its new ruler, and perhaps more importantly his son, the deputy crown prince Mohammed bin Salman, the kingdom has entered the fray of Yemen's civil war and has taken a much more visible role in pushing its agenda at an international level. The new king has reputedly used Saudi Arabia's financial heft as leverage to pressure the UN into limiting its criticisms of the conservative monarchy's actions at home and abroad and used its trade and political ties with Western allies, particularly the UK, to convince them to push for its agenda at the UN and elsewhere.…  Seguir leyendo »

Saudi Arabia's foreign policy has become more and more assertive since King Salman bin Abdulaziz al-Saud ascended to the throne in early 2015.

Under its new ruler, and perhaps more importantly his son, the deputy crown prince Mohammed bin Salman, the Kingdom has entered the fray of Yemen's civil war and has taken a much more visible role in pushing its agenda at an international level.

The new King has reputedly used Saudi Arabia's financial heft as leverage to pressure the U.N. into limiting its criticisms of the conservative monarchy's actions at home and abroad and used its trade and political ties with Western allies, particularly the UK, to convince them to push for its agenda at the U.N.…  Seguir leyendo »

Images last week from an ISIS video appearing to show a child executing a hostage were horrific. The very idea of the "cubs of the caliphate," as the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria dubs them, is stomach-churning.

But ISIS is far from the first or only group to treat children in such a wretched way. There are tens of thousands of child soldiers under age 18 around the world, from South America to Africa to Southeast Asia to recent conflicts in the Balkans. The Kony2012 video that went viral, for example, featured children in the Lord's Resistance Army in northern Uganda.…  Seguir leyendo »