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For years, the South Korean government and private Korean organizations have objected to Japanese textbooks that convey a rather sunny version of Japan's imperial and colonial history. Now a textbook controversy is turning Koreans against Koreans, and exposing deep divisions in Korean life.

All sides acknowledge that young South Koreans need some understanding of what's going on in North Korea, but how should high schools portray life on the other side of the border? Should they depict their neighbors as enemies or victims? Is objectivity even possible?

The government's National Institute of Korean History, convinced it's the arbiter, plans to replace existing textbooks with an authorized "correct history textbook" by March 2017, leading some to accuse the government of spreading propaganda while trampling on freedom of expression and discussion.…  Seguir leyendo »

"Scotland For Ever," a painting by Lady Elizabeth Butler, 1881, showing the Battle of Waterloo. Credit Bridgeman Art Library

Two hundred years ago, in a shallow valley south of Brussels, three armies fought the Battle of Waterloo. Napoleon had returned from exile on Elba to face a coalition of European enemies, who were now determined to oust him a second time. The closest opponents were the Prussian and British-Dutch armies to his north, so he launched a campaign to destroy them both. At Waterloo, on June 18, 1815, he failed.

Two hundred thousand men fought in that shallow valley. By nightfall, a quarter of them were casualties. In Belgium, thousands of re-enactors, dignitaries and soldiers are commemorating the event, while in St.…  Seguir leyendo »

15 millions de morts pendant la première guerre mondiale, 60 millions lors de la seconde, réfugiés, disparitions, exterminations... les conflits du XXe siècle sont caractérisés par un déchaînement des brutalités autant à l'encontre des combattants que des civils.

A l'heure où les cadavres livides des victimes syriennes du gaz sarin de la Ghouta envahissent nos écrans, la violence de guerre aura imprimé sa marque sur le siècle qui nous sépare désormais de la Grande Guerre. Pour comprendre comment- la violence a tout submergé sur son passage, il faut en premier lieu en interroger les cadres, les formes et les techniques, avant d'embrasser l'évolution des figures de ce drame et de s'intéresser à l'expérience des corps, des âmes et des êtres qui y furent confrontés.…  Seguir leyendo »