Amos Oz

Este archivo solo abarca los artículos del autor incorporados a este sitio a partir del 1 de diciembre de 2006. Para fechas anteriores realice una búsqueda entrecomillando su nombre.

Israeli author Amos Oz says the regional threat posed by Iran provides an opportunity for the Israelis and Palestinians to strike a peace deal. (Wes Bausmith / Los Angeles Times)

Let's start with a matter of life and death. If there are not two states, there will be one. If there is one, it will be Arab. If Arab it is, there is no telling the fate of our children and theirs.

One Arab state from Jordan to the Mediterranean. Not a binational state. For to expect Palestinians and Israelis, having inflicted so much pain on each other for so long, to suddenly turn a page onto harmonious, co-equal cohabitation in one state seems delusional.

Thus, absent two states, and as equality in binationalism is a fantasy, the prospects of one Arab state undoing our Zionist dream looms large.…  Seguir leyendo »

Israel has never been an egalitarian state. But in its heyday, it was more egalitarian than most states in the world. The poverty wasn't acute and the wealth wasn't ostentatious, and social responsibility toward the poor and needy was shown not only on the economic level but on the emotional level too.

In the earlier Israel, those who worked — and almost all the women and men worked very hard — could make a modest but respectable living for themselves and their families. The new immigrants, the refugees, the immigrant camp dwellers all received public education, health services and housing. Young, poor Israel was a master social-entrepreneur.…  Seguir leyendo »

Reading the memoirs of Sari Nusseibeh (Once Upon a Country: A Palestinian Life) and Amos Oz (A Tale of Love and Darkness), it is sometimes hard to keep in mind that they are writing about the very same land, that they live less than 25 miles apart.

Sari Nusseibeh is a Palestinian politician and academic, and the life he describes is one of struggle for a land in which his illustrious family has played a central role since the 7th century. Amos Oz is an Israeli writer, and his story is set against the miraculous return of the Jews — including his East European Zionist parents — to their ancient homeland after centuries in Diaspora.…  Seguir leyendo »

Durant deux mille ans, la connaissance qu'avaient les juifs de l'usage de la force se résumait à des coups de fouet sur l'échine. Au cours des dernières décennies, nous avons à notre tour employé la force et y avons pris goût jusqu'à l'ivresse, nous figurant que c'était la seule manière de résoudre n'importe quel problème. Le clou qui dépasse appelle le marteau, comme dit le proverbe.

Une large part de la population juive, à l'époque du Yishouv, avant la création de l'Etat, ne connaissait pas les limites de la force, pensant que l'on pouvait tout obtenir par ce biais. Heureusement que, durant les premières années suivant l'indépendance d'Israël, certains dirigeants, tels David Ben Gourion et Levi Eshkol, furent parfaitement capables de fixer les bornes à ne pas franchir.…  Seguir leyendo »

Durante 2.000 años los judíos conocieron el poder de la fuerza exclusivamente en forma de azotes sobre sus espaldas. Desde hace varios decenios, también nosotros somos capaces de emplear la fuerza. Pero ese poder, una y otra vez, nos ha emborrachado. Una y otra vez, pensamos que podemos resolver cualquier problema con el que nos encontramos mediante la fuerza. Si tienes un gran martillo, dice el proverbio, todo te parece un clavo.

En el periodo anterior a la fundación del Estado, una gran parte de la población judía en Palestina no entendía los límites de la fuerza y pensaba que podía emplearse para conseguir cualquier objetivo.…  Seguir leyendo »

For 2,000 years, the Jews knew the force of force only in the form of lashes to our own backs. For several decades now, we have been able to wield force ourselves — and this power has, again and again, intoxicated us.

In the period before Israel was founded, a large portion of the Jewish population in Palestine, especially members of the extremely nationalist Irgun group, thought that military force could be used to achieve any goal, to drive the British out of the country, and to repel the Arabs who opposed the creation of our state.

Luckily, during Israel’s early years, prime ministers like David Ben-Gurion and Levi Eshkol knew very well that force has its limits and were careful to use it only as a last resort.…  Seguir leyendo »

El presidente de Siria, Bashir Assad, ha propuesto en repetidas ocasiones entablar negociaciones de paz con Israel, e incluso ha añadido últimamente que no pone ninguna condición previa para negociar; ni siquiera exige que Israel prometa de antemano devolver los altos del Golán. La reacción del primer ministro israelí, Ehud Olmert, ha sido asombrosa. No podemos actuar -ha dicho Olmert- en contra de nuestro amigo, el presidente George W. Bush, que no está interesado en un acuerdo entre Israel y Siria. Por consiguiente, Israel rechaza la mano que le ha tendido Siria.

Hubo una época, cuando Israel aún se comportaba como un país independiente y no como cliente de Estados Unidos, en la que la exigencia de conversaciones directas e incondicionales con los países árabes era el centro de la política israelí en Oriente Próximo.…  Seguir leyendo »

Bashir Assad, the President of Syria, has repeatedly offered peace talks with Israel. Most recently he has added that he has no preconditions for negotiations — he is not even demanding that Israel promise in advance to return the Golan Heights. The response of Ehud Olmert has been astonishing. We can’t, Israel’s Prime Minister says, act against our friend, George W. Bush, who has no interest in an accommodation between Israel and Syria.

Therefore, Israel refuses to grasp the hand that Syria has offered.

There were times — when Israel still behaved like an independent country, rather than as a client of the United States — that the demand for direct, unconditional talks with the Arab countries was the heart of Israel’s policy.…  Seguir leyendo »

Si dura, el alto al fuego que anunciaron el pasado domingo Israel y Palestina será un primer paso. Tres pasos más, al menos, tendrían que seguirle: la liberación de los prisioneros, el establecimiento de un nuevo gobierno palestino que defienda la coexistencia con Israel más que su destrucción y el comienzo de unas conversaciones de paz exhaustivas entre israelíes y palestinos.

¿Se darán pronto el segundo, tercer y cuarto pasos? Todo depende de que el primero -el alto el fuego- sea duradero. Es posible que los palestinos hayan aprendido que bombardear las ciudades israelíes no les acerca más a la independencia, de la misma manera que los israelíes han aprendido que las operaciones militares a gran escala no silencian a los palestinos.…  Seguir leyendo »