Cathy Young

Este archivo solo abarca los artículos del autor incorporados a este sitio a partir del 1 de diciembre de 2006. Para fechas anteriores realice una búsqueda entrecomillando su nombre.

Las feministas tratan mal a los hombres

Decir que las feministas fustigan a los hombres parece un cliché, una caricatura misógina. El motivo central del feminismo, aseguran sus defensoras, es la lucha por la igualdad. La etiqueta del odio a los hombres es producto o de la difamación o de un malentendido. Sin embargo, gran parte de la retórica feminista actual ha cruzado la línea que separa las críticas al sexismo de las críticas a los hombres, y se centra en el comportamiento personal: cómo hablan, cómo abordan las relaciones, incluso cómo se sientan en el transporte público. Se destacan los defectos masculinos como condenas absolutas, y cualquier objeción a ello se considera un síntoma de complicidad.…  Seguir leyendo »

Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton, President-elect Barack Obama’s nominee for secretary of state, appears today before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. The Op-Ed page asked 10 experts to pose the questions they would like to hear Senator Clinton answer.

1. United States policy has failed with respect to Israeli-Palestinian peace. The reluctance of any American president to act as an honest broker in the process, rather than as a strong, unquestioning friend of Israel, has contributed to this failure. How do you propose to bring success to the peace process?

2. There is clearly an imbalance of influence and power between the State Department and the Defense Department.…  Seguir leyendo »

Shortly before the presidential election, at a discussion about Russian-American relations I attended in Cambridge, Mass., speakers from both countries voiced the hope that the election of Barack Obama would signal the renewal of a beautiful friendship. These hopes were chilled the day after Mr. Obama won. In an address to the Russian Parliament, President Dmitri Medvedev welcomed President-elect Obama with a threat to deploy Russian missiles on the Polish border if the United States put anti-missile systems in Eastern Europe. While some conciliatory signals followed, it seems clear that the Kremlin intends to keep the “new cold war” going.

Just three days before Mr.…  Seguir leyendo »