Darren Walker

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Proteger la sociedad civil y la democracia

Los líderes mundiales que se reunirán en forma virtual los días 9 y 10 de diciembre en la Cumbre para la Democracia convocada por el presidente estadounidense Joe Biden deberían hacerse una pregunta muy sencilla: ¿qué podemos hacer para ayudar a los más valientes defensores de la democracia, por ejemplo los manifestantes que están arriesgando sus vidas en Sudán?

Cientos de miles de personas llevan meses saliendo a las calles sudanesas para exigir un gobierno sujeto a rendición de cuentas y el final del régimen militar, a pesar de las balas de las fuerzas de seguridad, que provocaron la muerte de numerosos manifestantes.…  Seguir leyendo »

The 1995 World Conference on Women convened by the United Nations was a watershed moment for women's rights, a pivotal event in the movement for global progress toward gender equality. Last week, 26 years later, leaders from government, civil society, philanthropy and the private sector gathered in Paris for the culmination of the Generation Equality Forum, another once-in-a-generation opportunity to support women's rights organizations and feminist movements across the world.

Convened by UN Women, co-hosted by the governments of Mexico and France in partnership with youth and civil society, and ongoing since March, the forum was a global gathering to launch a powerful agenda of actions.…  Seguir leyendo »

Turkish health workers and officials have complained that Sinovac has been slow to deliver promised doses, hampering Turkey's response to the pandemic. (Kareem Fahim/The Washington Post)

Many Americans are breathing a sigh of relief. Across the United States, the vaccine rollout is gaining speed. By May 1, every U.S. adult will be eligible for inoculation.

But eligibility is far from equity — and around the world, the pandemic is far from over. Already, vast disparities are emerging in vaccine access — both within countries and between them — especially for Afro-descendant and Indigenous communities.

Within countries, the gaps are stark. In the United States, for example, White people remained nearly two times more likely to be vaccinated than their neighbors of color at the end of March.…  Seguir leyendo »

Across the globe, political and economic leaders have come under increasing pressure to live up to their words on climate change. And, on the eve of the U.N. Climate Summit taking place in New York, it seems we might even be at a tipping point in the global battle against climate change.

After all, new technology is revealing the impact of our daily consumption on the climate, and influential leaders in the public, private and nonprofit sectors are finding common ground, coming up with innovative solutions to address the most egregious drivers of climate change. But if the world is truly serious about changing the path we are on, it would do well to recognize an area where dramatic advances are already within reach -- on deforestation.…  Seguir leyendo »