Dmitry Rogozin

Este archivo solo abarca los artículos del autor incorporados a este sitio a partir del 1 de diciembre de 2006. Para fechas anteriores realice una búsqueda entrecomillando su nombre.

Missile weapons and technologies are becoming ever more available, and a growing number of countries are interested in acquiring them. For some, this is because missile technologies are closely linked with delivering weapons of mass destruction.

Clearly we should analyze the motives of certain countries that seek these weapons. And we should continue examining what Western countries and Russia can do together to successfully address the proliferation of W.M.D. and means of its delivery. By its nature, this question is more political and diplomatic than military-technical.

Before creating ballistic-missile defense (B.M.D.) systems and investing billions of dollars, it is important to understand the motivation of those who try to develop W.M.D.…  Seguir leyendo »

La crisis de agosto pasado en Georgia puso a prueba el sistema de seguridad de Europa y el sistema no cumplió su tarea principal de garantizar la seguridad del continente en su conjunto. Como resultado, Europa debe reexaminar sus dispositivos de seguridad actuales, analizar lo que sucedió y tomar ese análisis en cuenta para reformar esos dispositivos. Ya antes de la crisis en Georgia, Rusia había percibido la necesidad de revisar los mecanismos de seguridad europea, incluidas sus instituciones internacionales y regionales. Nosotros sugerimos un nuevo sistema de tratados jurídicamente vinculantes de garantías de seguridad mutua para lograr un nivel de seguridad igual en toda Europa.…  Seguir leyendo »

On the eve of the first meeting of the Russian and US presidents in London on Wednesday, it is time to review the lessons of recent events in the relationship between Russia and the west. Let me remind you that after the 9/11 attacks Russia was the first to express full sympathy and support to the American people. We joined the fight against international terrorism. This is why we had the right to expect at least verbal support from our western partners when, last August, our citizens in South Ossetia were brutally attacked. But we received quite the opposite.

Russia is still seen by the west as a threat and a rival.…  Seguir leyendo »