Elizabeth Drew (Continuación)

Hillary Clinton, the Brooklyn Navy Yard, New York, June 7, 2016. Steve Sands/WireImage/Getty Images

The particular oddness of this year’s election continued into the final major primaries this week, with the history-making, effective nomination of the first woman presidential candidate nearly overwhelmed by the latest and greatest-yet controversy in Donald Trump’s campaign. Also threatening to drain Hillary Clinton’s remarkable achievement of some of its drama was that the results of the June 7 primaries—in which Clinton took four of six states, including New Jersey and California, both of which she won decisively—were preempted by the Associated Press. Rather than let the official process play out, the AP took it upon itself to check with the party’s superdelegates and declared on Monday night that Clinton had clinched the nomination, just as it had done in Trump’s case in late May.…  Seguir leyendo »

Hillary Clinton, una de las mujeres más respetadas del mundo, que ha ejercido algunos de los más altos cargos de la política estadounidense y posiblemente sea la próxima presidenta de su país, ha tenido bastantes dificultades últimamente. Hace un año mucha gente pensaba que no le costaría demasiado obtener la nominación como candidata presidencial del Partido Demócrata. Sin embargo, ha sido un camino más complicado de lo que cualquiera, (ella incluida) podría haber imaginado.

En cualquier caso, la mayor parte de los problemas que enfrenta hoy ya eran previsibles en 2008, cuando compitió contra Barack Obama. Y otros se los ha causado ella misma.…  Seguir leyendo »

Donald Trump with supporters in Biloxi, Mississippi, January 2, 2016

A revolution is taking place in our presidential campaign. Though no one has voted yet and the polls—especially nationwide ones—shouldn’t be taken too literally, there’s every indication in both parties that what’s termed the political establishment is being rejected. We’re some distance from the end of the nomination contests, though perhaps not in the Republican race: if Donald Trump were to sweep Iowa and New Hampshire it’s hard to see how he can be stopped. So far, the talk of a savior entering the race is only that, and to make such a challenge would be daunting. Those who’ve ventured to predict the outcome and gone by past patterns haven’t had it right.…  Seguir leyendo »