Giles Coren

Este archivo solo abarca los artículos del autor incorporados a este sitio a partir del 1 de septiembre de 2006. Para fechas anteriores realice una búsqueda entrecomillando su nombre.

I am here this morning to save tennis (or, rather, to save Wimbledon, which is what we Englishmen mean when we say “tennis”) because, thanks to Andy Murray, I have found myself watching the US Open this year for the first time in my life and: Oh. My. God.

The court was blue! And when they bounced the ball before serving it made this horrible “pock, pock, pock” noise like a postman knocking on the door of a Portakabin. That was when you could hear anything at all, what with the courts apparently having been built in the car park at JFK, so that there was rarely more than a minute's peace between the passing overhead of each aeroplane.…  Seguir leyendo »

It just isn't going to end, it isn't ever going to end. There are going to be new Harry Potter books coming out every year for the rest of my life. I just know it.

That blasted Scottish woman promised she was only going to write seven of them and then stop. But she lied. She just rotten lied, purely to push up the value of the ones she has published already. It's like the diamond market. She is the De Beers of literature, hoarding away tons of this intrinsically worthless stock, for which people have an inexplicable and very base lust, and trickling it out on to the market gradually, for billions, under the threat of an impending (and imaginary) shortfall in supply.…  Seguir leyendo »

Although I had been keeping my intentions secret from all but my closest inner circle, a small item in The Times on Thursday has forced my hand and I feel compelled to make a declaration. At this stage, however, I am prepared only to announce that I am no longer ruling myself out of the race for the dictatorship of North Korea.

You may be surprised, to hear that the Kim Jong Il is standing down. But you will just have to trust my journalistic intuition. All I know is that Kim has not set a date for when he will go, and that he won’t be fighting the next election.…  Seguir leyendo »

Now that 13 bishops have joined in to lend their two penn’orth to the row between Nadia Eweida and British Airways over whether or not staff should be allowed to wear a cross, you may be wondering why I have remained silent on the matter. Well, it’s because I couldn’t give a toss one way or the other (though I apologise for using the word “toss”, with its seedy connotations of Conservative Party advertising).

And yet, while I care not a jot (which is like a toss, only cuter) who wins or loses, I do find myself appalled by the Christians who are using it to suggest that their religion is under attack — for it is what they said when they got wind, back in the 11th century, that Jerusalem was overrun with jungle bunnies, and it led to the Crusades and many of our current woes.…  Seguir leyendo »

I have heard some hilarious excuses from fat people in my time, but the one rolled out in the last item of yesterday’s Today programme managed to flabbergast even me. Indeed, I dare say that obese people all over Britain were so delighted by this new chance to blame their condition on something other than their own moral turpitude that many of them choked on their cornflakes. Except that by 8.53am they had probably already wolfed down their cornflakes and were well onto their third plate of scrambled eggs and bacon with pancakes and maple syrup.

While making a documentary about the obesity crisis for More4 this year, I went to great trouble to show how such excuses as “I’ve got a slow metabolism”, “it’s genetic”, “I can’t afford healthy food” and “I’ve got an underactive thyroid” were in most cases as meaningless and self-deluding as “I’ve got heavy bones” and “like Superman, I have infinite mass”.…  Seguir leyendo »

While the world waits to see what China will do about North Korea’s foray into nuclear capability, the Chinese themselves were far more excited this week about a technological leap of their own: the invention of the world’s first robot chef.

According to the Xinhua news agency, the romantically named AIC-AI Cookingrobot has been developed by boffins in Shenzen and will go on sale to restaurants in 2007, with a more family-friendly version planned for the domestic market soon afterwards.

According to the Shenzen Economic Daily the AIC-AI Cookingrobot “translates standardised human cooking actions into machine language . . . and can cook thousands of dishes”.…  Seguir leyendo »