Hillary Rodham Clinton

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Republicans Are Playing Into the Hands of Putin and Xi

Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy is making a ransom demand. His hostage is the economy and America’s credibility. Mr. McCarthy has threatened that House Republicans will refuse to raise the federal government’s debt ceiling, potentially triggering a global financial crisis, unless President Biden agrees to deep cuts to education, health care, food assistance for poor children and other services.

Mr. McCarthy repeatedly invoked the threat of Chinese competition as justification. The speaker is right that this debate has significant national security implications — just not the way he says.

With Russia’s brutal invasion of Ukraine grinding into a second year, tensions with China continuing to rise and global threats looming, from future pandemics to climate change, the world is looking to the United States for strong, steady leadership.…  Seguir leyendo »

Madeleine Albright Warned Us, and She Was Right

Late one night in 1995, in a cramped airplane cabin high over the Pacific, Madeleine Albright put down a draft of a speech I was set to deliver in Beijing at the upcoming United Nations conference on women, fixed me with the firm stare that had made fearsome dictators shudder, and asked what I was really trying to accomplish with this address.

“I want to push the envelope as far as I can”, I replied. “Then do it”, she said. She proceeded to tell me how I could sharpen the speech’s argument that women’s rights are human rights and human rights are women’s rights.…  Seguir leyendo »

A Savanna elephant is photographed at Kruger National Park in South Africa in March 2020. (Jerome Delay/AP)

As the world watches the Tokyo Olympics, our thoughts turn to the international peace and cooperation that the Games have come to symbolize. Each of us, in the administrations we served, wedded these traditional concerns of state to the conservation of nature — and of wildlife species in particular. The growth of wildlife trafficking by sophisticated criminal syndicates has heightened our conviction that the world must speak with one voice.

With that in mind, we believe Tokyo has now a singular opportunity to finally eliminate the sale and trade of elephant ivory in Japan while improving its reputation as a global leader and financial capital.…  Seguir leyendo »

It has been 21 years since Ukraine gained its independence from the Soviet Union. Since then, Ukrainians have made much progress on reforming and modernizing their country. Ukraine has also become an important partner on a number of pressing global and regional issues, from nuclear nonproliferation to food security and the settlement of protracted conflicts.

Ukraine now stands at an important juncture. Many of its neighbors in Central and Eastern Europe have shown the world what can be accomplished in terms of democratization and economic prosperity. Ukraine has the capacity to do the same. Important steps now have to be taken by the Ukrainian government to fulfill its full potential.…  Seguir leyendo »

A medida que cambian los equilibrios de poder en el mundo, Estados Unidos desarrolla una nueva gama de herramientas diplomáticas, sociales, económicas, políticas y de seguridad para solucionar los nuevos y complejos problemas geopolíticos.

A lo largo de la historia, la aparición de nuevas potencias ha sido un juego de suma cero. Por lo tanto, no sorprende que el surgimiento de países como China, India y Brasil haya suscitado dudas sobre el futuro del orden mundial que Estados Unidos, el Reino Unido y nuestros aliados han ayudado a construir y defender.

Cuando llegué a la Secretaría de Estado a principios del 2009, se cuestionaba el futuro del liderazgo global de Estados Unidos.…  Seguir leyendo »

This weekend, in Juba, South Sudan, Africa’s 54th nation was born. Millions of people are celebrating a new national identity and new national promise. Like on our own July Independence Day 235 years ago, there is reason to hope for a better future — if the people and leaders of both Sudan and South Sudan commit themselves to the hard work ahead.

This day was far from inevitable. For more than two decades, Sudan has been riven by intense fighting over land and resources. Just a year ago, talks between the Sudanese government in the north and the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement in the south had stalled.…  Seguir leyendo »

For decades, American inspectors have monitored Russian nuclear forces, putting into practice President Ronald Reagan's favorite maxim, "Trust, but verify." But since the old START Treaty expired last December, we have relied on trust alone. Until a new treaty comes into force, our inspectors will not have access to Russian missile silos and the world's two largest nuclear arsenals will lack the stability that comes with a rigorous inspection regime.

Before this session of Congress ends, we urge senators to approve an arms control treaty that would again allow U.S. inspectors access to Russian strategic sites and reduce the number of nuclear weapons held by both nations to a level not seen since the 1950s.…  Seguir leyendo »

Almost a century ago, a war that changed European history began in Sarajevo. Nearly 20 years ago, the city was the centre of another violent conflict that ended only with the 1995 Dayton accords. And 10 years ago, with the memory of the Yugoslavian wars still fresh, the European Union affirmed the crucial role of Euro-Atlantic multilateral institutions in the security and stability of the Balkans. Today Sarajevo is at peace, a symbol of rebirth and reconciliation, representing all the opportunities and challenges of European and Euro-Atlantic integration.

On Wednesday the EU Spanish presidency will host a ministerial meeting in Sarajevo attended by senior leaders from EU member states, the western Balkans, the US, Russia and Turkey to reaffirm our shared commitment to the security of the Balkans through integration into European and Euro-Atlantic institutions.…  Seguir leyendo »

Hace ahora cerca de un siglo, se inició en Sarajevo una guerra que cambió el curso de la historia europea. Hace ahora veinte años, esa ciudad fue el centro de otro conflicto violento que sólo acabó con los acuerdos de Dayton de 1995. Hace ahora diez años, con la memoria de las guerras yugoslavas todavía fresca, la Unión Europea (UE) afirmó el papel crucial de las instituciones multilaterales euroatlánticas para la seguridad y la estabilidad futuras de los Balcanes. Hoy, Sarajevo está en paz, como símbolo de renacimiento y reconciliación, representado todas las oportunidades y desafíos de la integración europea y euroatlántica.…  Seguir leyendo »

El día 8 de abril Estados Unidos y Rusia firmaron el nuevo Tratado de Reducción de Armas Estratégicas (START) en Praga, lo que reducirá el número de cabezas nucleares estratégicas en nuestros arsenales hasta niveles que no se habían visto desde la primera década de la era nuclear. Esta reducción verificable por parte de las dos mayores potencias nucleares del mundo refleja nuestro compromiso con el pacto básico del Tratado de No Proliferación Nuclear (TNP): todos los países tienen derecho a utilizar la energía nuclear de manera pacífica, pero todos ellos tienen también la responsabilidad de evitar la proliferación nuclear, y quienes poseen estas armas deben trabajar en favor del desarme.…  Seguir leyendo »

Tomorrow the United States and Russia will sign the New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (Start) in Prague, reducing the number of strategic nuclear warheads in our arsenals to levels not seen since the first decade of the nuclear age. This verifiable reduction by the world's two largest nuclear powers reflects our commitment to the basic bargain of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) – all nations have the right to seek the peaceful use of nuclear energy, but they all also have the responsibility to prevent nuclear proliferation, and those that do possess these weapons must work towards disarmament.

This agreement is just one of several concrete steps the United States is taking to make good on President Obama's pledge to make America and the world safer by reducing the threat of nuclear weapons, proliferation and terrorism.…  Seguir leyendo »

At this moment women are rescuing girls from brothels in Cambodia, campaigning for public office in Kuwait, healing mothers injured in childbirth in Ethiopia, running schools for refugees from Burma and rebuilding homes in the aftermath of earthquakes in Haiti and Chile. In cities and villages, countries and continents, women are running domestic violence shelters and fighting human-trafficking. Without recognition or fanfare, and often with little support, women are working to improve the quality of their lives and the lives of all people.

Women around the world have answered a call to action. Fifteen years ago delegates from 189 countries met in Beijing for the UN Fourth World Conference on Women.…  Seguir leyendo »

The spread of information networks is forming a new nervous system for our planet. When something happens in Haiti or Hunan, the rest of us learn about it in real time – from real people. And we can respond in real time as well. Americans eager to help in the aftermath of a disaster and the girl trapped in the supermarket are connected in ways that were not even imagined a year ago, even a generation ago. That same principle applies to almost all of humanity today.

Now, in many respects, information has never been so free. There are more ways to spread more ideas to more people than at any moment in history.…  Seguir leyendo »

For a billion people worldwide, the daily effort to grow, buy, or sell food is the defining struggle of their lives. This matters to all of us.

Consider the world's typical small farmer. She lives in a rural village, rises before dawn, and walks miles to collect water. If drought, blight, or pests don't destroy her crops, she may raise enough to feed her family – and may even have some left over to sell. But there's no road to the nearest market, and no one there who can afford to buy from her.

Now consider a young man in a crowded city 100 miles from that farmer.…  Seguir leyendo »

Para 1.000 millones de personas en el mundo, el esfuerzo diario de cultivar, comprar o vender alimentos es el esfuerzo que define su vida. Eso es importante para ellos, y para todos nosotros.

Consideren a una de las pequeñas agricultoras del mundo. Vive en una aldea, se levanta antes del alba y camina varios kilómetros para recoger agua. Trabaja todo el día en un campo, a veces cargando a un bebé en la espalda. Si la sequía, las enfermedades o las pestes no destruyen sus cosechas, quizá tenga suficiente para alimentar a su familia y algo para vender. Pero no hay carretera que llegue al mercado más cercano y no hay nadie en la aldea que pueda darse el lujo de comprarle sus productos.…  Seguir leyendo »