John Coughenour

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I have spent 27 years on the federal bench. In particular, my experience with the trial of Ahmed Ressam, the "millennium bomber," leads me to worry about Attorney General Michael Mukasey's comments last week, urging Congress to pass legislation outlining judicial procedures for reviewing Guantanamo detainees' habeas petitions. As constituted, U.S. courts are not only an adequate venue for trying terrorism suspects but are also a tremendous asset in combating terrorism. Congress risks a grave error in creating a parallel system of terrorism courts unmoored from the constitutional values that have served our country so well for so long.

I have great sympathy for those charged with protecting our national security.…  Seguir leyendo »

Micahel B. Mukasey, President Bush’s nominee to be attorney general, is coming under increasing fire for his views on what constitutes illegal torture. But the aspect of his philosophy that worries me more is his view of the judiciary’s role in prosecuting the war on terror.

Judge Mukasey expressed his own views on the subject in August in an op-ed article in The Wall Street Journal in which he argued that our legal system is “strained and mismatched,” and implored Congress to consider “several proposals for a new adjudicatory framework.” Judge Mukasey suggested we strike a different balance between civil liberties and national security in terrorism cases.…  Seguir leyendo »