Michael Bang Petersen

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Un centro de pruebas rápidas de covid en Copenhague. Liselotte Sabroe/Ritzau Scanpix vía Associated Press

Para los países con altos índices de vacunación, 2022 podría ser el último año en que haya que tomar medidas drásticas contra la COVID-19. Sin embargo, el fin de la pandemia no llegará fácilmente.

Uno se imaginaría que el final de la emergencia sería recibido con inmensa alegría. Pero los conflictos sobre si las escuelas deben permanecer abiertas y sobre el valor del uso obligatorio de los cubrebocas revelan que el solo hecho de que el diagnóstico de esta afección sea más benigno no significa que los funcionarios públicos estén exentos de tomar decisiones difíciles sobre políticas públicas. Una pandemia que empieza a ceder no es el fin del liderazgo sobre la covid, sino que podría hacerlo más necesario que nunca.…  Seguir leyendo »

A Covid rapid-test center in Copenhagen. Liselotte Sabroe/Ritzau Scanpix, via Associated Press

For countries with high vaccination rates, 2022 may be the last year when strong measures are required against Covid-19. The end of the pandemic, however, will not come easily.

One might imagine that the end of the emergency would be joyfully welcomed. But conflicts over whether schools should remain open and the value of mask mandates reveal that just because the prognosis for Covid-19 has improved does not mean that public officials are absolved from the need to make hard choices about policy. A waning pandemic does not mean the end of leadership on Covid, but may instead mean it’s more necessary than ever.…  Seguir leyendo »

People attend a performance by Danish band the Minds of 99, on Sept. 11, in Copenhagen. (Olafur Steinar Gestsson/AFP/Getty Images)

On Sept. 10, Danish authorities lifted all pandemic restrictions and pronounced that covid-19 is no longer a “critical threat” in the country. Vaccination rates are high — 86 percent of all eligible citizens 12 and older have received at least one shot, and 95 percent of people 50 and older are fully vaccinated.

Denmark’s death toll during the pandemic was only 450 people per million citizens, compared to 1,982 per million in the United States. How did Denmark, and its 5.8 million people, beat the covid-19 pandemic?

As part of Denmark’s largest behavioral covid-19 research project (the HOPE project), we surveyed more than 400,000 individuals in Denmark and seven other countries.…  Seguir leyendo »