Nick Clegg

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Cuando Facebook cambió su nombre a Meta el año pasado, muchos recibieron esta visión de una nueva era de tecnologías inmersivas integradas, llamadas “el metaverso”, con escepticismo. Es entendible. El escepticismo es una reacción natural a algo que parece sacado de una película de ciencia ficción. Pero las tecnologías emergentes que sientan las bases para el metaverso no son tan exageradas como pueden sonar y tendrán aplicaciones reales en la industria, la educación, la salud y el comercio, entre otras actividades.

Muchas personas asumen que el metaverso se remite a la realidad virtual (RV), donde nos colocamos un visor para salir del mundo físico que nos rodea y transportarnos a un nuevo espacio.…  Seguir leyendo »

Decir que las negociaciones para que Reino Unido abandone la UE no han ido bien sería un eufemismo.

A pesar de las promesas hechas durante el referéndum, los partidarios de marcharse de la Unión Europea subestimaron la crucial importancia de la integración de Reino Unido en la economía europea y no explicaron los sacrificios que inevitablemente supondría el Brexit.

Marcharse de la UE significa tomar grandes decisiones, escoger entre la seguridad económica —gracias a la pertenencia al Mercado Único y la Unión Aduanera— y el fin de la soberanía compartida; y, aun así, los defensores del Brexit siguen viviendo su propia fantasía y negando la evidencia.…  Seguir leyendo »

El 19 de abril del próximo año, los países de Naciones Unidas celebrarán una sesión especial en Nueva York para debatir el futuro de la política mundial en materia de droga. El pistoletazo de salida de las negociaciones gubernamentales para la cumbre se dio la semana pasada en una reunión de la Comisión de Estupefacientes en Viena.

La última vez que se celebró un acontecimiento de esta importancia, en 1998, la reunión estuvo dominada por la estrategia del Gobierno de Estados Unidos, aún consistente en la llamada guerra contra las drogas concebida por Richard Nixon en 1971. Los Estados miembros congregados, en un acto que hoy podemos considerar de engañosa ilusión colectiva, se comprometieron solemnemente a alcanzar el objetivo de “un mundo libre de drogas en 2008”.…  Seguir leyendo »

The events of last week involving the Guardian and its reporters have renewed debate and inflamed concern about the age-old dilemma of how to strike the balance between individual liberty and collective security. The coalition made freedom one of its founding principles back in 2010 and many people are looking to us now to prove we meant it.

Liberal Democrats believe government must tread the fine line between liberty and security very carefully, and are not easily persuaded by a government minister asserting: "Just trust me." So now that we are in government, we have been vigilant in ensuring the right decisions are made: scrutinising and challenging the assumptions of security experts, even as we give them our wholehearted support in their aim to keep the public safe.…  Seguir leyendo »

Libya stands on the brink of a new future, one that holds out the promise of democracy and freedom after 40 years of oppression. One of the most important tasks facing the interim government is the prevention of reprisals. That is why David Cameron and I have urged the National Transitional Council to exercise restraint and respect for human rights.

Britain has a proud history of international leadership on human rights. It was our political leadership and legal expertise that led to the creation of the European convention on human rights in 1950, a convention modelled on centuries of English law.…  Seguir leyendo »

We are now a month away from the first elections in Burma in 23 years. That should give us cause to celebrate. Sadly, that is wishful thinking. Burma’s 55 million people continue to suffer brutal oppression. Abject, needless poverty is, for most, a daily reality. These elections will be little more than a sham to perpetuate military rule.

So when Asian and European leaders meet on Monday in Brussels, the U.K. will be calling for us to speak with one voice against the gross mistreatment of the Burmese people.

That means being unequivocal: These elections will be neither free nor fair.…  Seguir leyendo »

Se ha desestimado la tercera pista del aeropuerto londinense de Heathrow. Se ha descartado la implantación del carnet de identidad. No habrá más detenciones de niños. Además, ahora se pone en marcha una reforma para introducir justicia en los impuestos para millones de personas normales y corrientes.

Éstas son algunas de las primeras medidas del nuevo Gobierno de Reino Unido, que celebró la primera reunión de su gabinete hace sólo unos días. Un nuevo Ejecutivo pero, lo que es más importante, un nuevo estilo de gobierno: plural, diverso. Una coalición entre liberal-demócratas y conservadores que contraviene las normas de la política tradicional.…  Seguir leyendo »

The third runway at Heathrow has been cancelled. ID cards have been scrapped. There will be no more child detention. And reform is now under way to make taxes fair for millions of ordinary people.

These are some of the early achievements of a government that had its first cabinet meeting just two days ago. A new government but, more important, a new kind of government: plural, diverse; a Liberal Democrat-Conservative coalition that defies the rules of old politics.

I know the birth of this coalition has caused much surprise, and, with it, some offence. There are those on both the left and right who are united in thinking this should not have happened.…  Seguir leyendo »

When I visited Camp Bastion in Helmand province last year, I was stunned by what I saw. They have built what amounts to a small town from scratch in the desert, with some of the finest military hospital facilities in the world. They transport, maintain and repair a vast array of equipment in the searing summer heat and bitter winter cold. And the young men and women who are fighting the Taleban in our name do so with unswerving determination. It is difficult not to be swept up by the sheer heroism of the mission.

It was only when I left Helmand that the nagging questions began.…  Seguir leyendo »

The crucial question on Afghanistan today is not whether this war is important. It is. It is not whether the consequences of failure are serious. They are. It is a much more brutal question: can we win? And the answer is no. Unless we change both our current policies and our present attitudes, failure is inevitable.

The reasons are manifold. The international community continues to lack a united strategy with clear priorities. Nato is all over the place. President Obama's plan is taking too long to be applied. British soldiers are fighting the war at full capacity, but their government is not.…  Seguir leyendo »

The world watched in horror yesterday as the conflict in Gaza claimed its latest innocent victims in the rubble of a UN school. Any hopes of reconciliation are being snuffed out as anger spills into protests around the world.

The past two weeks have been a telling indictment of the international community. We have an outgoing US president sanctioning Israel's military response and an aching silence from the president-elect. We have a European Union encumbered by clumsy decision-making and confused messages.

And at home we have a prime minister talking like an accountant about aid earmarked for Gaza without once saying anything meaningful about the conflict's origins.…  Seguir leyendo »

In less than two weeks the fate of the people of Zimbabwe will be determined by the result of a run-off presidential election. If Robert Mugabe is allowed to steal that election the tragedy will be complete. The scale of the catastrophe that Mugabe has precipitated in his country is almost unimaginable. In just ten years, life expectancy has plummeted from 61 years to less than 36 - the lowest in the world. The economy has disintegrated - inflation by the official measure stood at 164,900 per cent in April, unemployment is more than 80 per cent; the shops are empty, the health service has collapsed, the school system no longer functions and millions of Zimbabweans have fled.…  Seguir leyendo »

Protecting long-standing British liberties, while equipping ourselves against Al-Qaeda, is one of the greatest political dilemmas facing us today. How do we remain a liberal society at a time of heightened public fear?

The government’s initial response in the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks was to introduce a volley of new anti-terror laws, some of which were good, many of which need revisiting. Tony Blair, and John Reid as his last home secretary, indulged in spine-chilling rhetoric about the terrorist threat, in part to justify their legislative hyperactivity and to crush any concerns about the effect on British civil liberties and due process.…  Seguir leyendo »

Can you fight terror with justice? Tomorrow the Commons will vote on the annual extension of control orders, under which terror suspects are subject to a range of measures from tagging to virtual house arrest. The government may seek to portray this as simply an administrative vote. In truth, it marks a fork in the road in the debate on how to tackle terrorism.Those of us who reluctantly accepted the introduction of control orders in emergency legislation two years ago did so following assurances that they were a temporary measure, introduced in response to the ruling that the detention of foreign nationals without trial was illegal.…  Seguir leyendo »