Nicolas Sarkozy

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Together with our NATO allies and coalition partners, the United States, France and Britain have been united from the start in responding to the crisis in Libya, and we are united on what needs to happen in order to end it.

Even as we continue our military operations today to protect civilians in Libya, we are determined to look to the future. We are convinced that better times lie ahead for the people of Libya, and a pathway can be forged to achieve just that.

We must never forget the reasons why the international community was obliged to act in the first place.…  Seguir leyendo »

Par référendum, le peuple suisse vient de se prononcer contre la construction de nouveaux minarets sur son territoire. Cette décision peut légitimement susciter bien des interrogations. Le référendum impose de répondre à la question posée par oui ou par non. Peut-on répondre par oui ou par non à une question aussi compliquée, qui touche à des choses aussi profondes ? Je suis convaincu que l'on ne peut que susciter des malentendus douloureux, un sentiment d'injustice, blesser les âmes en apportant une réponse aussi tranchée à un problème qui doit pouvoir être résolu au cas par cas dans le respect des convictions et des croyances de chacun.…  Seguir leyendo »

El próximo jueves se reunirán en Londres, por segunda vez en tan sólo cinco meses, los dirigentes de las 20 primeras economías del mundo para tratar de aportar una respuesta conjunta a la crisis económica sin precedentes que estamos atravesando.

Desde el principio de esta crisis he defendido la idea de que, ante tamaño desafío, la cooperación no es una opción, sino una necesidad. Desde el mes de septiembre de 2008, ante la Asamblea General de las Naciones Unidas, he estado pidiendo al mundo que se una para aportar a la crisis una respuesta coordinada y concertada. El pasado mes de noviembre, esta iniciativa, impulsada por el conjunto de los europeos, desembocó en una reunión del G-20 en Washington, en la que se sentaron las bases de una ambiciosa reforma del sistema financiero internacional.…  Seguir leyendo »

Tomorrow, for the second time in only five months, the leaders of the world's top 20 economies will meet to seek a joint response to the unprecedented global economic crisis.

Since this crisis began, I have argued that when we are faced by a challenge of this magnitude, cooperation is a necessity, not an option. In September, I called upon the world to rally together with a response based on coordination and cooperation. Brought forward in concert by the European nations, that initiative led to November's Group of 20 meeting in Washington, where we laid the foundations for far-reaching reform of the international financial system.…  Seguir leyendo »

The time will come when the sequence of events and responsibilities can be established in an indisputable and impartial manner: several weeks of provocations and skirmishes along the lines separating South Ossetia from the rest of Georgia; the thoughtless Georgian military intervention in South Ossetia the night of Aug. 7-8; the brutal and disproportionate response of Russian troops, driving the small Georgian army from South Ossetia and dislodging it from Abkhazia -- the other separatist province, where it had regained a foothold in 2006 -- before occupying part of the rest of Georgian territory.

As the world was confronted with this outburst of violence, there were more urgent matters.…  Seguir leyendo »

There has been important progress on Darfur in the past two months. In July we agreed on the deployment of a robust UN/African Union (AU) force and the start of peace talks. But the situation remains completely unacceptable. In the coming weeks and months, we commit as leaders to redouble our efforts to make further progress.

At the end of July the UN agreed to our plan. UN Resolution 1769, passed –– for the first time –– unanimously, was the culmination of intense diplomatic activity over the crisis in Darfur. In the next few weeks, one of the largest UN troop deployments –– this time in partnership with the African Union –– will begin arriving in Darfur.…  Seguir leyendo »