Nicu Popescu

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Europa necesita una Ley de Producción de Defensa

No tener en cuenta las lecciones de guerras pasadas es una receta segura para futuros conflictos. Aunque es demasiado pronto para extraer todas las lecciones pertinentes de la guerra en curso en Ucrania, algunas son evidentes. Ignorarlas hará que Europa experimente una mayor vulnerabilidad durante años.

La primera lección, y la más importante, es que los países europeos deben responder mucho más rápido a las crisis militares que surjan. De la misma manera que los coches de policía, los bomberos y las ambulancias utilizan sirenas para señalar la urgencia -sabiendo que la velocidad con la que llegan al lugar de los hechos puede determinar si se salvan o se pierden vidas-, los gobiernos y las instituciones necesitan sus propias “sirenas” administrativas para garantizar respuestas oportunas y eficaces.…  Seguir leyendo »

The largest conflict on European soil since the second world war inches closer to EU and NATO borders. Hybrid operations against EU member states are sapping the union itself and the states lined up to join it with a wide spectrum of hybrid attacks, of which disinformation is only a small part. America under a second Trump presidency is far less likely to provide any comfortable pillow to soften Europe’s strategic stumbles. For these reasons and more, the EU must change the leisurely method and pace of its enlargement policies, to suit a much more brutal world.

This would not be a new stance but rather a return to form.…  Seguir leyendo »

After the great destruction of the second world war, there was a singular purpose behind the creation of what is now the European Union: lasting peace. The EU must renew its commitment to this mission in light of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. And enlargement is the most effective instrument that it can use to foster peace and bring stability to fragile eastern Europe.

Article 49 of the founding treaty of the EU establishes that any European state which respects human dignity, freedom, democracy, equality, the rule of law and human rights, and which is committed to promoting them, may apply to become a member of the union.…  Seguir leyendo »