René Obermann

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The discussion on cyberthreats has finally gone public. For years, governments have treated damage from cyberattacks as classified information, while the private sector has kept damage secret in order not to scare off customers and investors.

Recent high-profile cyberattacks such as those on The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal and the U.S. Federal Reserve are only the tip of the iceberg. Cyberattacks, whether random or targeted, whether successful or not, have increased to the point that we are seeing a paradigm shift: We have become aware that transparency and shared knowledge can increase protection and strengthen security.

The damage resulting from malicious cyberactivities, such as theft of personal data or intellectual property, is enormous, even if mainly economic for now.…  Seguir leyendo »

Last year’s Stuxnet computer-worm attack on several Iranian nuclear installations may have been our collective digital Sputnik shock. It highlighted the significant security challenges we face in the digital sphere.

Yet in addition to this very public case, cyberspace is contested every single second, although these attacks do not normally get the same level of public attention.

Unlike the outer space that Sputnik reached, the Internet and the structures it rests upon are already heavily populated and utilized — by governments and companies, research institutions, public bodies and billions of citizens.

In fact, public and private life depends on functioning telecommunications and information-technology infrastructures.…  Seguir leyendo »