Robert Edward Precht

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The young activists marching for democracy here face a serious risk from an unexpected source: Visa laws that could greatly complicate and, in some cases, bar students who are arrested from traveling to the United States or Britain. There is a simple way to correct this injustice, but it would require U.S. and British officials to challenge Beijing’s overly broad warnings against “foreign interference.”

The Hong Kong students massing in the streets as part the Occupy Central movement have been bitterly disappointed by what they perceive to be Beijing’s betrayal of a promise to allow genuine democratic elections. Hong Kong authorities made arrests over the weekend and have threatened more.…  Seguir leyendo »

Japan is about to embark on a democratic experiment with important consequences for the rest of Asia. After a lapse of 60 years, the country is planning to bring back a jury system — but a huge effort will be required to convince ordinary Japanese about its advantages. Americans can help by sharing their jury experiences with the Japanese.

Beginning in 2009, Japan will institute a jury system called saiban-in. Juries consisting of three law-trained judges and six citizens chosen by lottery will decide criminal cases by majority vote. Japan had an American-style jury system for 15 years, but it was abolished by Japan’s military government in 1943.…  Seguir leyendo »