Saskia Sassen

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Este es el panorama de la Europa democrática. Un total de 35.597 personas han muerto, solo desde 1993, intentando acceder a Europa por carecer de vías y procedimientos de acceso seguro y garantizado. El Mare Nostrum se ha convertido en el Mare Mortum,el mar de los ahogados. No se han reubicado los miles de personas que llevan meses y años hacinadas en pésimas condiciones —en auténticos campos de concentración— en los países del sur de Europa. Son permanentes las agresiones sexuales que sufren las mujeres en el tránsito y el secuestro de muchas por las redes de trata.

La UE que iba a suprimir las fronteras ha creado en los últimos años más vallas, en y entre sus propios países, que todo el resto del mundo, Trump incluido.…  Seguir leyendo »

Our son lives next to a Turkish mosque on Kingsland Road in Hackney, where some of London’s worst mob violence has occurred. When looters rampaged through Hackney last weekend, there were few police officers to stop them and residents had to chase them off with butcher knives, truncheons and baseball bats. Vigilante action succeeded where normal policing failed.

Kingsland Road resembles the bustling, ethnically mixed streets of Brooklyn. During the day, it is a home of sorts for unemployed young men with nothing to do; Britain’s youth unemployment rate is currently over 20 percent. During the economic boom a decade ago, though, nearly as many were out of work, and they did not all turn to crime.…  Seguir leyendo »

'Terrorism" has two faces. There are real threats and real terrorists, and then again there is a realm of nameless fears, vague forebodings and irrational responses. The German federal police seem to have succumbed to the latter: on July 31 they raided the flats and workplaces of Dr Andrej Holm and Dr Matthias B, as well as of two other people, all of them engaged in that most suspicious pursuit - committing sociology.

Dr Holm was arrested and flown to the German federal court in Karlsruhe; he has since been put in (pre-trial) solitary confinement in a Berlin jail. Of course the police may have solid, rational knowledge they are withholding, but their public statements belong to the realm of farce.…  Seguir leyendo »