Simon Critchley

Este archivo solo abarca los artículos del autor incorporados a este sitio a partir del 1 de septiembre de 2006. Para fechas anteriores realice una búsqueda entrecomillando su nombre.

Qué haría David Bowie en este momento

Todo se derrumbó después de que murió David Bowie.

La semana pasada se cumplieron cinco años desde que se anunció su fallecimiento. No enlistaré las catástrofes que han ocurrido desde ese enero frío y vacío de 2016. Todos las conocen demasiado bien. Resulta que el brexit era solo una banda telonera de poca monta en su primer concierto.

Tal parece que todo comenzó a desmoronarse tras la muerte de Bowie. Los acontecimientos mundiales fueron de mal en peor y, desde entonces, todo ha sido un eslalon descendente que ha rebasado los límites de la lógica (e incluso de la sátira) y ha formado una avalancha de esto: violencia llena de odio, caos político, insurrección y el agotador horror de la pandemia.…  Seguir leyendo »

What Would David Bowie Do?

Everything went to pieces after David Bowie died.

It’s been five years since his death was announced. I won’t catalog the catastrophes that have befallen us since that blank, cold January in 2016. You know them all too well. Brexit, it turns out, was just a minor warm-up act from out of town playing its first gig.

It does feel as though things began to fall apart with Bowie’s death. World events slid from bad to worse, and from there it has all been one long downhill slalom that has exceeded the bounds of sense (and even satire) and avalanched into this: hateful violence, political chaos, insurrection and the grinding gruesomeness of the pandemic present.…  Seguir leyendo »

There are as many definitions of philosophy as there are philosophers – perhaps there are even more. After three millennia of philosophical activity and disagreement, it is unlikely that we’ll reach consensus, and I certainly don’t want to add more hot air to the volcanic cloud of unknowing. What I’d like to do in the opening column in this new venture — The Stone — is to kick things off by asking a slightly different question: what is a philosopher?

As Alfred North Whitehead said, philosophy is a series of footnotes to Plato. Let me risk adding a footnote by looking at Plato’s provocative definition of the philosopher that appears in the middle of his dialogue, “Theaetetus,” in a passage that some scholars consider a “digression.”…  Seguir leyendo »

Some 2,300 years after his death, Diogenes the Cynic dramatically interrupted a recent New York State Senate committee meeting. Wearing a long, white beard and carrying his trademark lamp in broad daylight, the ancient philosopher — who once described himself as “a Socrates gone mad” — claimed to be looking for an honest man in politics. Considering the never-ending allegations of financial corruption that flow from the sump of Albany, it’s no surprise that he was unsuccessful.

This resurrected Diogenes was, in fact, Randy Credico, a comedian who says he is considering challenging Senator Charles Schumer in the 2010 Democratic primary.…  Seguir leyendo »