Xiao Qiang

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En su libro de 2016 The Perfect Dictatorship: China in the 21st Century (La dictadura perfecta; China en el siglo XXI), el politólogo noruego Stein Ringen describe a la China actual como una “controlcracia”, argumentado que su sistema de gobierno se ha transformado en un nuevo régimen radicalmente más duro y más ideologizado que el que había previamente. La “controlcracia” china ahora carga con la responsabilidad principal de la epidemia de coronavirus que sufre el país y el mundo.

En los últimos ocho años, el liderazgo central del Partido Comunista de China ha adoptado pasos para afianzar la autoridad personal del Presidente Xi Jinping, así como ampliar sus propios poderes, en desmedro de los ministerios y los gobiernos provinciales y locales.…  Seguir leyendo »

During its recent Lunar New Year gala show, state-run Chinese Central Television spotlighted a 93-year-old engineer who participated in China’s first nuclear submarine program. The program, which broadcasts to an audience of over 1 billion national and overseas viewers, lauded this guest of honor for dedicating his life to top-secret government work and for making huge sacrifices for the Communist Party. “For 30 years, he made no contact with his family for fear of giving away his knowledge and only told his father what he did for a living when the older man was on his deathbed,” the state report declared.…  Seguir leyendo »

Xiao Qiang is founder and chief editor of China Digital Times, a bilingual news Web site, and an adjunct professor at the University of California, Berkeley’s School of Information. Perry Link, who was a co-editor of “The Tiananmen Papers,” teaches Chinese literature at the University of California, Riverside.

Chinese New Year, which began Feb. 10, marks the season when Chinese everywhere give voice to their wishes for the future. A controversy last month in the offices of Southern Weekly, one of China’s more liberal publications, appeared to be mainly about censorship. It spread to the streets and widely on the Internet, and the focal point was indeed freedom for journalists.…  Seguir leyendo »

Han Han is a 28-year-old bestselling author, racing driver and blogger who is a star of Chinese cyberspace. He is also one of the most outspoken critics of government censorship, and his blogposts are often deleted by censors. Nevertheless, his main blog has over 300m hits. In an online poll Han Han ran recently on his blog about a corrupt official, 210,000 people voted. Yet it is not just Han Han's words that are so influential, but the internet technologies – searches, file-sharing, RSS, blogging, microblogging, image and video-sharing, social networking, etc – that allow them to spread freely, despite government censorship.…  Seguir leyendo »