Comercio (Continuación)

Testing a microchip in a student lab in Tainan, Taiwan, February 2022. Ann Wang / Reuters

Over the past year, the United States has been forced to contemplate a possibility that many have regarded as almost unthinkable since the Cold War: a major military conflict with another great power. For the first time in decades, Moscow has been rattling its missiles to warn Washington about its support for Ukraine. And in early August, following U.S. Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan, Beijing dramatically escalated its threat of military action over the island.

Almost as startling as the threats themselves are what they seem to suggest about the limits of economic interdependence as a force for peace.…  Seguir leyendo »

Comercio internacional: un reto para los países en desarrollo sin salida al mar

Si el comercio es una actividad fundamental para el crecimiento de un país, para los países en desarrollo cualquier dificultad para el intercambio comercial con otros países tiene repercusiones profundas en sus frágiles economías.

Para los países en desarrollo sin salida al mar (Land Locked Developing Countries, LLDCs), el reto es doble por la dificultad para transportar sus productos más allá de los Estados vecinos.

A consecuencia de la pandemia, estos países han perdido presencia en los mercados internacionales. La disminución del número de contenedores disponibles, el incremento en el coste del transporte de mercancías y las limitaciones de movilidad entre fronteras han restado capacidad de recuperación a los LLDCs.…  Seguir leyendo »

U.S. President Joe Biden, Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida, and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi attend a meeting of the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework for Prosperity at the Izumi Garden Gallery in Tokyo on May 23. SAUL LOEB/AFP via Getty Images

The Biden administration’s recently announced Indo-Pacific Economic Framework for Prosperity (IPEF), which aims to strengthen cooperation between the United States and multiple Asian nations on economic, trade, and technology issues, has elicited a fairly consistent response both domestically and internationally: Nice job, but try again. IPEF is a trade partnership, not a formal trade agreement, and foreign nations say what they really want is access to U.S. markets that the latter would have guaranteed. Many in the U.S. trade policy community agree, arguing that IPEF is a well-meaning but largely hollow effort.

Both are wrong. The United States can no longer afford to trade U.S.…  Seguir leyendo »

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Bangladeshi Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina jointly inaugurate a major road named after former Bangladeshi Prime Minister Sheikh Mujibur Rahman during an agreement signing ceremony in New Delhi on April 8, 2017. us-india-bangladesh-trade-gsp

The U.S. Generalized System of Preferences (GSP) program, launched in 1975, was designed to promote economic development and diversification among developing countries by encouraging their exports to the United States. Under the GSP, eligible products enter duty-free. As of January 2021, 119 developing countries were beneficiaries of the program.

Bangladesh and India are not current beneficiaries of the U.S. GSP. Although members of the program since 1985 and 1975, respectively, Bangladesh was denied access in 2013 and India in 2019. The United States should consider restoring GSP status for both countries for its own benefit as much as theirs.

India is a critical, long-term partner for the United States.…  Seguir leyendo »

¿El comercio ayuda a fomentar la paz? No siempre

El 12 de abril de 1861, la artillería rebelde abrió fuego contra Fort Sumter, y así comenzó la Guerra de Secesión de Estados Unidos. Al final, la guerra se convirtió en una catástrofe para el sur, que perdió a más de una quinta parte de sus jóvenes. Pero ¿por qué los secesionistas, del sur confederado, creían que podrían ganar?

Una de las razones es que creían que estaban en posesión de un arma económica poderosa. La economía del Reino Unido, la principal potencia mundial en ese momento, dependía profundamente del algodón del sur, y pensaron que cortar ese suministro obligaría al Reino Unido a intervenir del lado de la Confederación.…  Seguir leyendo »

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky wants the world to boycott Russian goods. And he’s asked that countries suspend Russia’s participation in the World Trade Organization (WTO), which would make it far more difficult for Russian goods and services to compete in the global marketplace.

Russia has responded to Ukraine’s call for its ouster by arguing that WTO members “should refrain from discussing in the WTO … issues and events, which are out of the scope of the WTO”, and arguing that WTO rules do not permit its suspension.

This may become the newest front in the world’s unprecedented economic response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.…  Seguir leyendo »

Reparar las finanzas comerciales globales

Los bienes y servicios se desplazan por el mundo a través de una infraestructura crítica: caminos, puertos, redes ferroviarias, rutas marítimas y servidores de datos. El ecosistema de finanzas comerciales globales de 5,2 billones de dólares que facilita estos flujos es igualmente esencial. Desafortunadamente, no siempre funciona como debería.

El sistema de finanzas comerciales de hoy se caracteriza por una red compleja de procesos manuales que llevan décadas e “islas digitales” más recientes –sistemas cerrados de socios comerciales que están desconectados del conjunto global-. Una nueva investigación del Grupo Asesor de la Cámara de Comercio Internacional sobre Finanzas Comerciales, Fung Business Intelligence y McKinsey & Company destaca de qué manera una simplificación de los procesos y una conexión e integración de estas islas en las redes y plataformas podría transformar la economía global.…  Seguir leyendo »

Artist Luke Jerram's 'Floating Earth' at Pennington Flash in Wigan, England, which aims to prompt discussions on what individuals and societies can do to make lifestyles more sustainable. Photo by Christopher Furlong/Getty Images.

Balancing trade and non-trade policy objectives

Marianne Schneider-Petsinger

The supply chain disruptions stemming from the COVID-19 pandemic highlight trade cannot be taken for granted, and economic interdependencies have both benefits and costs. As international commerce rebounds and trade policy is increasingly seen through the prism of enhancing resilience, the moment is ripe to redefine and reimagine trade.

The goal of trade policy has never been to increase trade for trade’s sake, so a new narrative and framework for global trade requires striking a careful balance between pursuing trade and non-trade policy objectives.

Protecting the environment, strengthening labour standards, and upholding human rights have long been goals for which trade policy is used as a lever, and the interaction of trade and national security interests as well as the links between trade and competition policy are not new issues either.…  Seguir leyendo »

Nadie puede sobrevivir sin alimentos. Y, sin embargo, los sistemas alimentarios del mundo necesitan urgentemente una reforma. Para garantizar el acceso universal a una nutrición adecuada, así como a una sustentabilidad ambiental de largo plazo, necesitamos cambiar la manera en que producimos, procesamos, transportamos y consumimos los alimentos. El Día Mundial de la Alimentación debería invitarnos a considerar cómo logarlo, y a reconocer que el comercio debe ser parte de la solución.

La reciente Cumbre sobre los sistemas alimentarios de las Naciones Unidas resaltó no sólo la necesidad de reformas integrales, sino también el rol que deben desempeñar los gobiernos para mejorar la manera en que funcionan los mercados de alimentos.…  Seguir leyendo »

Una escena de El juego del calamar en Netflix. (Youngkyu Park/Netflix)

Al igual que millones de personas en todo el mundo, la semana pasada hice un maratón de los nueve episodios de El juego del calamar. Esta serie coreana se ha convertido en un gran éxito en Netflix y ha cautivado a los espectadores con su historia distópica sobre un grupo de personas endeudadas que participan en juegos infantiles por la mayor apuesta posible: si ganan, se volverán millonarios; si pierden, morirán. Es enfermizamente adictiva, gracias en parte a los finales abiertos de cada episodio que garantizan que uno vuelva por más.

También es una sátira descarnada de la desigualdad de la riqueza producida por el capitalismo salvaje.…  Seguir leyendo »

A group of activists is setting on fire a circle that represents the Earth, while they are dressing like politicians, during the Global Climate Strike organized in Utrecht, on 24 September 2021. Photo by Romy Arroyo Fernandez/NurPhoto via Getty Images.

Tackling the intersection of trade and climate policies is central to achieving the goals of the Paris Agreement, but ensuring that growing trade tensions do not thwart progress urgently requires dialogue and international cooperation at the highest political level.

Trade issues are directly relevant to climate action in many ways. Achieving the Paris climate goals requires a significant change in the organization of global value chains and in the composition and geography of trade flows.

As no country’s economy operates in isolation, domestic efforts to decarbonize and implement climate policies to achieve net zero commitments also inevitably affect trade. In the absence of a global carbon pricing system, for instance, domestic carbon pricing policies raise competitiveness and carbon leakage concerns, prompting calls for border carbon adjustments.…  Seguir leyendo »

A scene from “Squid Game” on Netflix. (Youngkyu Park/Netflix)

Like millions of other people around the world, I binge-watched all nine episodes of “Squid Game” last week. This Korean-language series has become a breakout hit on Netflix, enthralling viewers with its dystopian story of indebted people playing children’s games for the highest stakes possible: If they win, they get rich; if they lose, they die. It’s insanely watchable, with cliffhangers at the end of every episode ensuring that you come back for more.

It is also a brutal satire of the wealth inequality produced by unbridled capitalism. It is ironic, then, that the worldwide success of “Squad Game” is, in fact, the ultimate tribute to the power of capitalism — and in particular to two of its much-maligned outgrowths: globalization and free trade.…  Seguir leyendo »

Interior del Parlamento Europeo, Bruselas. Foto: European Union 2019 – Fuente: EP

Tema 1

La nueva estrategia de política comercial de la UE, basada en el concepto de “autonomía estratégica abierta”, es un intento nada sencillo de usar esta potente herramienta de la UE como instrumento activo de defensa y promoción de sus intereses y valores estratégicos ante un mundo cada vez más complejo y multipolar.


La Comisión presentó en febrero de 2021 su nueva estrategia de política comercial con el objetivo de ganar autonomía y defender sus intereses, pero sin minar la cooperación multilateral. La UE, desprovista ya de toda inocencia, asume que en el nuevo orden económico mundial la pasividad equivale a la fagocitación por otras potencias con mayor ambición.…  Seguir leyendo »

Nuevas normas mundiales para un futuro alimentario más justo

Este año, los gobiernos tienen la oportunidad de garantizar que las mejoras en las normas internacionales nos ayuden a encarrilarnos y retomar el camino hacia un sistema de comercio agrícola más justo y sostenible, así como a superar los recientes reveses a nuestros esfuerzos por combatir el hambre y la desnutrición. La Cumbre de las Naciones Unidas sobre los Sistemas Alimentarios a celebrarse en septiembre, la Conferencia de las Naciones Unidas sobre el Clima (COP26) que se llevará a cabo en noviembre, y la Conferencia Ministerial de la Organización Mundial del Comercio que comenzará a finales de ese mismo mes brindan a los responsables de la formulación de políticas amplias oportunidades para cumplir con sus cometidos.…  Seguir leyendo »

El Ayuntamiento de Santander acaba de poner en marcha El Mercaderío, una plataforma de comercio electrónico que reúne la oferta de las tiendas tradicionales de la ciudad en un portal web municipal.

Horas antes veía la luz, una iniciativa similar promovida por el madrileño Ayuntamiento de Brunete. En Córdoba acaban de alumbrar otra plataforma digital, esta vez para su comercio ambulante.

No se queda atrás el Ayuntamiento de Tavernes de la Valldigna, en la provincia de Valencia, que también estrena mercado digital. Algo que también ha sucedido en Beniel (Murcia), Bollullos (Huelva), Benavente (Zamora), Torrelavega (Cantabria), Antequera (Málaga) y un interminable etcétera.…  Seguir leyendo »

La gran cuarentena y el comercio internacional

Las subas de los indicadores de crecimiento en las grandes economías están siendo acompañadas por una firme recuperación del comercio internacional. Es una buena noticia que merece más atención. Hace menos de doce meses, muchos observadores predecían el fin de la globalización. La pandemia interrumpió cadenas de suministro, y las vulnerabilidades y dependencias resultantes llevaron a muchos gobiernos a alentar una «repatriación» de la producción de bienes esenciales.

Hoy el panorama es mucho mejor. Hay pocos indicios de que se esté produciendo un abandono sostenido de las cadenas globales de suministro. Y muchos gobiernos se han dado cuenta de que el comercio internacional es una oportunidad, antes que una amenaza a la soberanía nacional.…  Seguir leyendo »

Percentage of Afrobarometer survey respondents who agree/agree very strongly with the following statements: 1: It is important that as an independent nation, we finance development from our own resources, even if it means paying more taxes. Or 2: We should use external loans for the development of the country, even if it increases our indebtedness to foreign countries and institutions.

The pandemic is reshaping how citizens and nations understand their position in a changing world. A shrinking global economy and growing support for nationalism has heightened pressure on governments over the past year to reallocate resources locally and bring supply chains closer to home.

For Africa, these moving parts present development opportunities as well as challenges, underscored by the recent launch of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA). Bringing together 54 countries and more than 1 billion people, the AfCFTA will be the world’s largest free-trade area, with a combined gross domestic product of between $2.2 and $3.4 trillion. Proponents believe the boost in intra-Africa trade could help lift 30 million Africans out of extreme poverty by 2035 and foster interdependence, greater inclusion and peace.…  Seguir leyendo »

An aerial photo shows Straddle Carriers moving shipping containers at Seaforth Dock in Liverpool, north west England on 17 March 2021. Photo by PAUL ELLIS/AFP via Getty Images.

On 1 February 2021, the UK government formally applied to join the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP), a trade pact between 11 countries: Japan, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Vietnam, Singapore, Malaysia, Brunei, Mexico, Chile and Peru. This was a smart decision by the UK as it will set or renew its trade terms with 11 trading partners in just one negotiation.

What is the CPTPP?

The CPTPP is a big agreement. Its members account for 13 per cent of global GDP, 15 per cent of global trade, with a population of 500 million people located in the growing and increasingly rich Asia-Pacific region.…  Seguir leyendo »

Entrepreneur Jagmohan Kanojia displays his miniature kites supporting Joe Biden's election as US president in Amritsar, India. Photo by Sameer Sehgal/Hindustan Times via Getty Images.

After four years of the Donald Trump administration’s piecemeal approach to trade with Asia-Pacific, the US now finds itself on the outside of the region’s most important trade agreements, and in a difficult position to re-engage with key players for global economic growth, security, and technological innovation.

As the US sat on the sidelines, other major players – especially the European Union (EU) and the UK – have marched forwards in negotiating free trade agreements with key partners in the region. Meanwhile, regional integration in Asia-Pacific has advanced.

The Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) – a trade deal between 15 Asia-Pacific nations including China struck in late 2020 – and the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP) – an agreement between 11 countries following the US withdrawal from the more ambitious Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) – are the two biggest elements of the new Asia-Pacific trade architecture, and the US is part of neither.…  Seguir leyendo »

A graphic artist paints a mural advert for US smartphone manufacturer Apple in Berlin, Germany. Photo by JOHN MACDOUGALL/AFP via Getty Images.

Just as climate change worsens existing vulnerabilities such as food poverty and water shortages, trade amplifies weaknesses in the social fabric.

In regions where people have fallen behind economically due to political neglect and technological change, it is jobs lost in the face of import competition that make the headlines.

The appeal of Donald Trump and Brexit had much to do with deep grievances felt by those attributing their social problems to the negative impacts of openness and competition from shores afar.

Yet the costs of doing away with globalization and our open-trading system could far exceed any benefits. This is why, in 2021, the World Trade Organisation (WTO) will begin its metamorphosis into an organization that puts social issues at its heart.…  Seguir leyendo »