Dinamarca (Continuación)

A recent demonstration against Muslim immigration organized by, “For Freedom” in Copenhagen. Ole Jensen/Corbis, via Getty images

An exchange in a recent debate on national TV was emblematic of changing times in Danish politics. An 18-year-old high school student named Jens Philip Yazdani was pitted against Martin Henriksen, a member of Parliament for the far-right Danish People’s Party who is the chairman of an important parliamentary committee on immigration, integration and housing. When Mr. Yazdani asserted his Danish identity as someone born and brought up in Denmark, Mr. Henriksen interrupted him.

“This is not how one becomes Danish,” he said, starkly forcing to the fore the old question of what is “Danishness.” In that moment, the nationalist politician signaled an end to the uneasy truce that has long defined the immigration debate in Denmark.…  Seguir leyendo »

La campagne d’Europe de Daech


Daech considère le continent européen comme un théâtre intégré d’opérations terroristes. La fermeture toute récente du corridor d’accès des djihadistes à la Turquie est intervenue trop tard pour casser l’élan de la campagne d’Europe, lancée par le bien mal-nommé Etat islamique depuis le printemps 2014. C’est pourquoi il faut élargir les problématiques hexagonales, au mieux franco-belges, pour appréhender la menace djihadiste dans sa réalité européenne. L’Allemagne constituera la première de ces études de cas, suivie du Danemark et de l’Espagne.


La carte ci-dessous rend compte des actions menées ou inspirées par Daech durant un seul mois, de la mi-juillet à la mi-août 2016.…  Seguir leyendo »

Bientôt, les policiers danois pourront confisquer les avoirs supérieurs à 10 000 couronnes (1465 francs) appartenant aux réfugiés qui demandent asile sur le territoire du royaume. Sauf s’il s’agit de «valeurs affectives» comme certains bijoux. Un large consensus, à l’exception de petits partis de gauche, s’est dessiné cette semaine au Folketing, le parlement, pour voter cette mesure prônée par le gouvernement. Il s’agit d’envoyer un «signal» aux migrants pour les dissuader de venir, s’est justifié le pouvoir sous l’influence du Parti populaire danois (DF), formation nationale-populiste qui dicte l’agenda politique depuis une quinzaine d’années à l’image de l’UDC en Suisse.

Ce signal n’est pas passé inaperçu.…  Seguir leyendo »

In October 1943, in an act of civic and moral duty, Danish fishermen and resistance fighters transported approximately 7,000 Danish Jews to safety in neutral Sweden. They were ferried over the waters of the Oresund and saved from Nazi extermination camps.

That story of heroism is central to modern Danish identity and it stands in sharp contrast to what is unfolding today. In the past week more than 3,000 mainly Syrian refugees have been arriving from Germany, passing through Denmark and crossing that same stretch of water to Sweden, which has a more open immigration policy, and where they hope to rebuild their lives.…  Seguir leyendo »

The writers of the famous Danish TV series “Borgen” couldn’t have concocted a more shocking episode than the one that unfolded during Thursday’s general elections.

After four years in office, the leader of the center-left government, Helle Thorning-Schmidt, faced a loose-knit group of rightist challengers, led by a former prime minister, Lars Lokke Rasmussen. Both of them lost — leaving the leader of the far-right Danish People’s Party, Kristian Thulesen Dahl, as the election’s big winner and firmly in control of whatever new government emerges.

With 21 percent of the vote, up from 12 percent in 2011, the extreme right is now the second-largest party in Denmark.…  Seguir leyendo »

Hace poco las autoridades rusas amenazaron con dirigir misiles nucleares a barcos de guerra daneses si Dinamarca se une al sistema de defensa antimisiles de la OTAN, en lo que evidentemente es una escandalosa amenaza contra un país sin intención alguna de atacar a Rusia. También refleja un factor más fundamental de la política exterior del Kremlin: la desesperación por conservar su influencia estratégica en tiempos de un cuestionamiento sin precedentes a su autoridad.

Por supuesto, los líderes rusos saben muy bien que las defensas antimisiles de la OTAN no se dirigen a su país. De 2009 a 2014, el periodo en que fui Secretario General de la OTAN, recalcamos una y otra vez que su fin era defender a los miembros de la Alianza ante  amenazas que pudieran proceder del área euroatlántica.…  Seguir leyendo »

Russian authorities recently threatened to aim nuclear missiles at Danish warships if Denmark joins NATO’s missile-defense system. This was obviously an outrageous threat against a country that has no intention of attacking Russia. But it also reflects a more fundamental factor in the Kremlin’s foreign policy: desperation to maintain Russia’s strategic influence at a time of unprecedented challenges to its authority.

Of course, Russia’s leaders know very well that NATO’s missile defense is not directed at their country. When I served as NATO secretary general from 2009 to 2014, we repeatedly emphasized that the purpose was to defend alliance members from threats originating outside the Euro-Atlantic area.…  Seguir leyendo »

A memorial service on Feb. 16 in Copenhagen for the victims of attacks on a synagogue and an event promoting freedom of expression. Credit Leonhard Foeger/Reuters

The attack on Copenhagen’s synagogue earlier this month that left a volunteer Jewish watchman dead is a tragedy for a society that, for more than two centuries, has insisted that there is no tension between being Jewish and being Danish. It was precisely this sense of national solidarity across religious lines that helped save Denmark’s Jews from the Nazis during World War II.

And that’s why it rubbed many Danes the wrong way when Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu invited Danish Jews to “come home” to Israel after the attack. Even if Denmark’s Jews clearly face a new threat, this time from a small group of extremist Muslim Danes, Mr.…  Seguir leyendo »

La felicidad, ja, ja

Leí en alguna parte que una encuesta hecha en el mundo entero había determinado que Dinamarca era el país más feliz de la Tierra y me disponía a escribir esta columna, prestándome el título de un libro de cuentos de mi amigo Alfredo Bryce que venía como anillo al dedo a lo que quería —burlarme de aquella encuesta—, cuando ocurrió en Copenhague el doble atentado yihadista que ha costado la vida a dos daneses —un cineasta y el guardián judío de una sinagoga— y malherido a tres agentes.

¿Qué mejor demostración de que no hay, ni ha habido, ni habrá nunca “países felices”?…  Seguir leyendo »

Los atentados en Copenhague parecen como una réplica de los que golpearon París hace un mes. En París y en Copenhague, las víctimas fueron las mismas: defensores de la libertad de expresión, librepensadores, caricaturistas, antirracistas, policías, judíos. La misma ideología mortífera, el islamismo, armaba a los terroristas.

Estos asesinatos son más que la aplicación del proyecto macabro y totalitario de los asesinos. Tienen el propósito de radicalizar a las sociedades afectadas, para incitar un cara a cara entre el islamismo y la extrema derecha. Ambos comparten la misma visión, la de un mundo amenazado por un choque de civilizaciones en el cual el frente sería una Europa al borde de una guerra civil.…  Seguir leyendo »

The battle for the Arctic’s resources heats up

A couple of years ago, a Canadian minister proudly declared that Santa Claus was a citizen of Canada. After all, his home and toy factory are at the North Pole, which, according to the minister’s interpretation, belongs to Canada.

Though Santa Claus has not commented on the matter, it is now clear that he could choose several passports when he travels the world. In 2007, a privately funded mini-submarine planted a Russian flag directly beneath his alleged home. And last month, Denmark, which has sovereignty over Greenland, staked its own territorial claim, also covering the North Pole.

By filing its claim with the United Nations Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf, Denmark has joined our era’s “great game”: the contest for economic control over a large part of the Arctic.…  Seguir leyendo »

La disputa sobre la procedencia de Santa Claus

Hace un par de años, un ministro canadiense declaró con orgullo que Santa Claus era un ciudadano del Canadá. Al fin y al cabo, su hogar y su fábrica de juguetes están en el Polo Norte, que, según la interpretación del ministro, pertenece al Canadá.

Aunque Santa Claus no ha comentado ese asunto, ahora está claro que, cuando viaja por el mundo el 24 de diciembre, podría elegir varios pasaportes. En 2007, un minisubmarino con financiación privada plantó una bandera rusa directamente debajo de su supuesto hogar y, hace dos semanas, Dinamarca, que tiene la soberanía sobre Groenlandia, señaló su propia reivindicación territorial, que también abarcaba el Polo Norte.…  Seguir leyendo »

Copenhague, capital de Dinamarca, desea ser la primera ciudad en el mundo sin emisiones de CO2 para 2025. Sin embargo, igual que han descubierto muchas ciudades y países bien intencionados, reducir significativamente las emisiones de CO2 es más difícil de lo que parece, y puede que demande un poco de contabilidad creativa.

Lo que es más sorprendente es que los políticos de Copenhague han declarado con gran seguridad que reducir ahora las emisiones de CO2 hará en última instancia a la ciudad y a sus ciudadanos más prósperos, pues las inversiones actuales en energías ecológicas son muy rentables con respecto a un aumento de los precios de los combustibles fósiles.…  Seguir leyendo »

Much too often, diplomacy is behind the curve in struggling with developments unfolding in ways not foreseen.

But when the Arctic Council meets in Kiruna in northern Sweden in the next few days, it is a rare example of a framework set up to deal with events well before they really start to happen, thus making it possible to shape events rather than reacting to things that have already gone wrong.

The Arctic Council was set up between the eight Arctic states, with representatives of the indigenous peoples as permanent participants, in Ottawa in 1996. But in its first years it hardly registered on the international scene.…  Seguir leyendo »

With global warming rapidly melting Arctic sea ice and glaciers making valuable stores of energy and minerals more accessible, voices of doom are warning of inevitable competition and potential conflict — a new “Great Game” among the five Arctic coastal nations.

In fact, the Arctic states of North America, Europe and Russia, working with indigenous peoples and a number of non-Arctic states, already have taken steps to ensure just the opposite: that the Arctic remains a zone of cooperation, peace and stable, sustainable development.

The Arctic Council — the intergovernmental organization for the eight Arctic states: Canada, Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Russia, Sweden and the United States — has created a forum for cooperation and momentum toward a responsible approach to the region’s issues.…  Seguir leyendo »

En septembre dernier, les Norvégiens ont élu leurs représentants locaux et les Danois ont renouvelé leur parlement. Ces deux scrutins ont été suivis avec le plus grand intérêt par l'ensemble des Européens. Allait-on observer un recul de l'extrême droite en réaction aux événements violents qui se sont produits cet été en Norvège ?


La réponse à cette question semble être positive, même s'il est probable que la baisse ne soit que temporaire. En Suède, de récents sondages montrent un recul significatif du soutien populaire aux Démocrates suédois, parti nationaliste qui est entré au parlement en 2010.…  Seguir leyendo »

Today the leaders of the five Nordic states are meeting to discuss the possibility of creating a Nordic federal state. Ever since the Kalmar Union of the kingdoms of Denmark, Norway and Sweden – reaching to Iceland, Greenland, the Faroe Islands, Shetland and Orkney – collapsed in 1523, the idea of reinstating some sort of a supra-national Nordic state regularly crops up. Now this old idea has resurfaced in a book the Swedish history professor Gunnar Wetterberg submitted to the Nordic Council in Reykjavik today.

Wetterberg argues that together the Nordics (Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden, with the three micro territories the Faroe Islands, Greenland and Aland), will be stronger and more stable and prosperous than they are on their own.…  Seguir leyendo »

The drastic climatic changes in the Arctic, viewed first-hand this week by an ‘alarmed’ UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon, are threatening to unleash not only environmental catastrophe on the rest of the world but a furious political struggle between competing regional governments.

The Arctic Five - the US, Russia, Norway, Canada and Denmark (Greenland) - are scrambling to secure territorial rights to disputed and hitherto unclaimed parts of the world’s last great wilderness. This is partly because the retreat of local sea ice is opening up to exploitation what many leading experts think could be massive reserves of petroleum- even as much as 13% of the world’s undiscovered oil and 30% of its undiscovered natural gas.…  Seguir leyendo »

La 'Tierra Verde', la isla más grande del mundo después de Australia, la región de clima polar cubierto de hielo, la lejana Groenlandia, descubierta por el vikingo noruego Erik el Rojo en el siglo X (982), bajo soberanía noruega desde 1261, redescubierta por Martin Frobisher y John Davis en el siglo XVI, colonizada por el misionero luterano noruego Hans Egede (el Apóstol de Groenlandia) dos siglos después, protectorado estadounidense en 1941 por su gran valor estratégico, provincia danesa a partir de 1953 y territorio autónomo con gobierno propio desde 1979 tras un plebiscito popular en el que el 70% de los votos fueron favorables, celebró elecciones el pasado 2 de junio.…  Seguir leyendo »

One of my best friends is a Finn. She came to England at 16, but when it came to giving birth to her first baby 13 years later, there was no hesitation: she went home. When she returned, along with her stories of state of the art healthcare, she brought tangible evidence of the largesse of the Nordic welfare state: each new mother was given a box of exquisite new baby clothes and equipment. Everything was a perfect mint green and lavender. In contrast, when it was my turn several years later to give birth in the UK in an overcrowded, dirty hospital, a harassed nurse handed me a plastic bag stuffed with leaflets advertising baby products and a couple of free samples.…  Seguir leyendo »